Just curious if anyone else has purchased one of these? I handled one the other day and couldnt help but buy it. I cant wait to shoot it,there is something cool about an 8-shot 4 inch 357.
I bought one last year from FS.
It looks like the Performance Center model, with the slab-sided barrel, but it's an inch shorter. That extra inch costs about $400 more.
The only upgrade I made was the addition of a red Hi-Viz (#SW3001-R) front sight.
When I first got the gun, visually the muzzle crown looked a bit funky, like it wasn't cut right, but the gun did prove to be quite accurate. It came with 3 moon clips, which I find to be a PITA to load and unload. Most of the time I don't use them, but keep a few loaded in my range bag anyway.
I enjoy shooting mine and it fits my M29 holsters just fine.
cool, Im upgrading the front sight to a Hiviz also. I also found 8-shot speedloaders from 5-shot, Thunder Ranch sells 8 shot speedloaders, but theirs are $60 each compared to $24 for the 5-shot. Tuff products also is making 8 shot speed strips. I love this gun!!!
I have the Performance Center model and love it. I use a small dowel to help get the spent casings out of the moon clips....save's your fingers! Enjoy it!
Dan is that the one with the scandium frame & rail?
I went the other way with the PC 627 V-comp. Sweet gun, love it but I never use it.
Reason being USPSA never ended up adopting a 8 round revolver class & when it comes to bowling pins or USPSA I reach for the 625 for three reasons.
1- I prefer the recoil characteristics of the .45acp over .357
2- The 625 reloads are snap compared to 627.
3- If I can't get the pins down with 6 shots, the table is a wash anyway.
Not takeing anything away from the 627's. Their awesome guns. I just struggle to find a pracital use for them for me personally.
I'm thinking of picking up a 610.
Edit: I suppose I could put the comp back on it, mount an optic and shoot bowling pins open class.
saltydude - that's the one. I wanted the 5" bbl and the rails in case I put a laser on it. As for at the range it has one of the best triggers that I've used - especially single shot.
I'll take your word on the 625 and .45 - I haven't tried either one.