S&W trumps a bushy imho. Better QC, better components. Better gun (yes, I was listening to a Papa Johns commercial when I typed this).
Other rifles to look at in this range are the BCM, Colt 6920 and DDv4. If you can, try and grab a mid-length gas system, when you shoot it compared to a carbine length you'll feel the difference (but basically it isn't as hard/harsh on components like a carbine system will be, also a lot 'softer' shooting).
Figure out what your going to do with the rifle (pure plinker/sunday shooter or SHTF/training gun) and go from there. But the nice thing about the S&W is they are not in the same class as say a Colt, Noveske, BCM or DD, but are not by the DPMS/Olypmic side either. Feedback from courses that run the carbine hard say the M&P's go through it fine, just may need to do a few odds and ends to it (make sure the BCG is properly staked etc) but nothing serious.