S&W Revolver Info Please


Dec 27, 2006
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OK Please link or school me on this SW thing.

K frame L frame etc?

Lock or no lock ?

Ive been buying Semi Auto pistols for the past 20 years or more so im really not up on the terms and lingo with the SW Revolvers.

Im looking at getting a 686 and a 629 or there abouts and Need to know what are the best ones to get.

As in the dash after the model # what does that mean.

Im getting a Winchester or Marlin lever gun in 44 mag soon and need a good SW revolver to go along with it.

Ill most likely get a Ruger Redhawk additionally but want to do the SW first.

Gracias amigos
Hey Sam - I created a new thread for this rather than resurrecting a three year old one.

Here we go...

S&W uses letters to indicate the frame size. From smallest to largest:

J-Frame - Pocket Snubbies like the 642
I-Frame - Now obsolete, small frame revolvers like the .32 Regulation Police
K-Frame - Mid sized frame used on the famous Model 10 and the 17/617 and others
L-Frame - A longer slightly beefier version of the K frame used for .357 (like the 686) and .44 Special (5-shot) revolvers
N-Frame - A large frame used on some .357 Mags (like the Model 27 & 28) and all .44 Magnums
X-Frame - The largest frame used on the .500 and .460

The dash number indicates an engineering change.
Hey Sam - I created a new thread for this rather than resurrecting a three year old one.

Here we go...

S&W uses letters to indicate the frame size. From smallest to largest:

J-Frame - Pocket Snubbies like the 642
I-Frame - Now obsolete, small frame revolvers like the .32 Regulation Police
K-Frame - Mid sized frame used on the famous Model 10 and the 17/617 and others
L-Frame - A longer slightly beefier version of the K frame used for .357 (like the 686) and .44 Special (5-shot) revolvers
N-Frame - A large frame used on some .357 Mags (like the Model 27 & 28) and all .44 Magnums
X-Frame - The largest frame used on the .500 and .460

The dash number indicates an engineering change.

To add to this

586 = a blued frame

686 = a stainless frame

327 = a scandium frame.
Almost all new S&W revolvers come with the lock. There are a few special orders without it.
You can get a used S&W without one or remove the lock from the newer ones. The locks have a habit of activating by themselves, especially on heavy recoiling guns.

I take the locks out. very easy to do.
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