Safe house for NFA

Jan 13, 2010
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I have always thought about buying a place in NH as a vacation house and figured I would also use it as a place to store and not have to worry about MA rejecting a license. Does anyone know if people ever just do that or open a storage unit just to have a place to put an NFA item without it getting taken because you can't renew your license?
I have always thought about buying a place in NH as a vacation house and figured I would also use it as a place to store and not have to worry about MA rejecting a license. Does anyone know if people ever just do that or open a storage unit just to have a place to put an NFA item without it getting taken because you can't renew your license?

Yeah people do stuff like that frequently. Second residences, safe deposit boxes, dont hear much about storage units.
I've heard a lot about folks storing stuff they can't have in a secondary residence. Most storage units aren't really fond of letting people stash guns in them, but I know some folks use them to keep standard capacity mags and stuff like that in. If you were to keep anything valuable in a vacation home I would make sure to invest in a really good safe, alarm system and video monitoring. And invite your NES friends up to barbeque and play with the NFA items, of course. :D
If your going to do something like this, you shouldn't be asking about it on a public forum.

Why not? Its not like he has posted the address of his second home (or whatever) along with the dates he wont be there (making for an easy theft).

Only potential legal issue is just dont forget to file a 5320.20 if the guns are moved out of state.
So the ATF actually suggests you use a safety deposit box if you move to a state that doesn't allow or won't grant you the right to posses an NFA item, I will try and contact them and see if that works with just moving within a state as in if I move somewhere in MA and I can't renew a license will storing out of state in a box be OK.
Why not? Its not like he has posted the address of his second home (or whatever) along with the dates he wont be there (making for an easy theft).

Only potential legal issue is just dont forget to file a 5320.20 if the guns are moved out of state.

The 5320.20 is for NFA only, correct?
I have always thought about buying a place in NH as a vacation house and figured I would also use it as a place to store and not have to worry about MA rejecting a license. Does anyone know if people ever just do that or open a storage unit just to have a place to put an NFA item without it getting taken because you can't renew your license?

If you have an NFA trust and if you have a friend or family member in New Hampshire or Maine, appoint them as a co-trustee of your trust. By doing so, they can lawfully possess your NFA items.
5320 is not required for all NFA items.

I know that a MG, SBR, and SBS require them.

I also kow that a Silencer does NOT.

I don't know about AOWs, DDs, etc.

You are correct: machine guns, SBRs, and SBSs, all require a "Form 20" to be filed with the ATF. AOWs and destructive devices do not require a Form 20.
Actually, I got that wrong. Destructive devices do require a 5320.20.

From Section 9.5.1 of the NFA Manual:

"A non-FFL who proposes to transport a destructive device, machinegun, or short-barrel shotgun or rifle interstate... should first obtain an approved ATF Form 5320.20 before transporting the firearm."
Ok. So with the corrections, the list of NFA items

NOT requiring a 5320 to move to a different state is: Silencers and Any other Weapons (AOWs)

Items that do need a 5320: Machine guns, Short barreled rifles (SBR), Short Barreled Shotguns (SBS), Destrucive devices (DD),

Ok. So with the corrections, the list of NFA items

NOT requiring a 5320 to move to a different state is: Silencers and Any other Weapons (AOWs)

Items that do need a 5320: Machine guns, Short barreled rifles (SBR), Short Barreled Shotguns (SBS), Destrucive devices (DD),


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