SAR-1/AK....may trade or offer for trade...thoughts?

Oct 13, 2010
Hyde Park
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I love this rifle. Its not pretty, doesnt have the most aesthetically pleasing look about it, but its not once jammed on me and its always been fairly simple to clean, operate etc. But Ive had it for 10 years, its not something I shoot a lot with, so I decided maybe to send this off with someone who will really enjoy her.

Being that I do more trades than I do sales (all within the limits of the FA10, of course), Im really pondering a possible swap for something. That said, what's a Romanian SAR-1 worth? I'd like to get a high end 1911, carry package of some kind...or even a higher end .357 revolver, again, for carrying.

Any thoughts?
Around $550 or so.

I would take an SAR1 over anything else on the rack that came from Century.
speculating worth is one of those things that is trivial.

"It's worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it."

That's it. Now, if you think you're going to get a high end 1911 for it in a straight trade, you're smoking crack or you found someone that does.

Century CETMEs were piles of crap because they headspaced the bolts with a belt sander.
What flintoid said.

Another thing to keep in mind, if you like having a DECENT economy AK at a right price, you're probably not finding another one of those easily. The SAR-1 is what a typical WASR was supposed to be.

BTW if you do one leg of the trade via a dealer (eg, to transfer out the rifle) then you won't burn up an FA-10 in the process.

I'd say hang on to it, the prices of WASRs and SAR-1s seem to keep going up - have you seen the price for 30 round mags lately? Irrational exuberance I guess.

High end 1911 in trade - for the frame alone, maybe. High end 357 - again, not likely. Ive got an unfired S&W pre-27 6 1/2" blue with original box, if i were to part with it, which I doubt I ever would - would take 2+ SAR-1s.
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OK well high end in my brain is the Sig version, if that clarifies anything!

You're better off hunting for an S&W E-series or a Ruger. None of that series 80 stuff. Means a cheaper, better trigger job.

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