Search for Members

There used to be a members list available so people could search for members. Is that gone or am I just not finding it?


It is a little different. In the By: section, Start typing in the name and variations of it will pop up. Registered members may not show, Green Members do. Matt

There used to be a members list available so people could search for members. ...
There still is.

Is that gone or am I just not finding it?
You're just not finding it.

Enter the screen name into the "Find member" field in the LH sidebar of the Notable Members page.

You can’t search for members, members find you….
That's only on Soviet NES.
Okay, I'm really slow. Other than clicking on the link, how do I get to that page? I looked for it and just don't see it anywhere.
No, no; I wasn't trying to taunt you.



How I Did It​

First I cast about the front page's pulldown menus.
No joy.

Then I went to my page.
Me being me, that wasn't a heavy lift.
You should instead go to your page.
Then I trimmed off the URL's tail to get:
Then I clicked on it.
And lo and behold that had a "Find member" search in the LH sidebar.

I actually thought that in the past
there was some way to navigate to the functionality
(if not that specific page), but I haven't found it.

Doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

I just don't see that.

@sHORTY: Is there a click-y path from the front page
(or any page's header)
that lands on a page with a "Find member" search box?

Was there ever?

Should there be?

P. S. Ask @Garys if you need a Use Case to justify the request.

In the past season I've done this to look for necro-users once or twice.
But @Garys is more likely to have the good rationale for the request.
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