Okay, I'm really slow. Other than clicking on the link, how do I get to that page? I looked for it and just don't see it anywhere.
No, no; I wasn't trying to taunt you.
How I Did It
First I cast about the front page's pulldown menus.
No joy.
Then I went to
my page.
Me being me, that wasn't a heavy lift.
You should instead go to
your page.
Then I trimmed off the URL's tail to get:
Then I clicked on it.
And lo and behold that had a "Find member" search in the LH sidebar.
I actually thought that in the past
there was some way to navigate to the functionality
(if not that specific page), but I haven't found it.
Doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
I just don't see
@sHORTY: Is there a click-y path from the front page
(or any page's header)
that lands on a page with a "Find member" search box?
Was there ever?
Should there be?
P. S. Ask
@Garys if you need a Use Case to justify the request.
In the past season I've done this to look for necro-users once or twice.
@Garys is more likely to have the
good rationale for the request.