Selling to CT resident?


NES Member
Mar 10, 2012
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Sorry if this has been answered already.... I'm Selling a gun (I'm in MA) to a CT resident, can i just ship it to their ffl of choice or do i have to go through an ffl? Thanks
As others have said, there isn't a law requiring you to ship through a FFL, but it might cost less.
Especially with a handgun. Here's why.

If you ship a handgun, you must ship it UPS or Fedex Overnight (or maybe also 2nd day). Even if its only going 100 miles. So that will cost you $50.

If you were a FFL, you could ship USPS Priority Mail flat rate box, for $12. ($7 if it fits in a small box).

So even if your FFL charges you $25 plus postage to ship it, it may be cheaper to use a FFL.

If its convenient for you, you can also bring the gun to CT.
CT law specifically has a carve out for your situation.
No permit is required to move the pistol "as merchandise".

I'm sorry if this was answered elsewhere, I've tried to find a concrete answer to no avail.
I'm a mass resident and my father lives just over the border in CT
He wants to buy a handgun of mine that is totally Mass and Ct legal.
In order to sell the firearm to him can I simply meet him at a willing ffl over the border in ct and have them do the paperwork or do I have to go to a Mass ffl and have it shipped to a ct ffl?
I've never done a private sale before sorry if this is a dumb question.
I'm sorry if this was answered elsewhere, I've tried to find a concrete answer to no avail.
I'm a mass resident and my father lives just over the border in CT
He wants to buy a handgun of mine that is totally Mass and Ct legal.
In order to sell the firearm to him can I simply meet him at a willing ffl over the border in ct and have them do the paperwork or do I have to go to a Mass ffl and have it shipped to a ct ffl?
I've never done a private sale before sorry if this is a dumb question.
Provided of course that you’re legally allowed to have possession of the handgun and transport it in CT, then yes you can meet your father at a CT FFL of your choosing to pay them a transfer fee and have them conduct the transfer for you.
Provided of course that you’re legally allowed to have possession of the handgun and transport it in CT, then yes you can meet your father at a CT FFL of your choosing to pay them a transfer fee and have them conduct the transfer for you.
So locked in its case, in the trunk from mass to the ct dealer sounds like the plan I'm a former ct resident, no issues with leo or anything in my past
Check if the CT FFL will accept a transfer from a out of state owner. Even if you hand carry it to him, he doesn't have to accept. It's probably easier than trying to ship, but especially now FFLs are very cautious.
So locked in its case, in the trunk from mass to the ct dealer sounds like the plan I'm a former ct resident, no issues with leo or anything in my past

It needs to be in the trunk or locked in its case. Not both.

CT law explicitly allows "transportation of pistols or revolvers as merchandise" without a CT pistol permit.

Bottom line. Put it in the trunk. Drive safely. Don't stop to pick up any hookers or buy any meth in Willimantic and you will be fine.

CT dealer will book it in from you and book it out to your CT resident buyer. He must have a CT pistol permit to purchase, but I assume you know that.

It needs to be in the trunk or locked in its case. Not both.

CT law explicitly allows "transportation of pistols or revolvers as merchandise" without a CT pistol permit.

Bottom line. Put it in the trunk. Drive safely. Don't stop to pick up any hookers or buy any meth in Willimantic and you will be fine.

CT dealer will book it in from you and book it out to your CT resident buyer. He must have a CT pistol permit to purchase, but I assume you know that.

Thanks very much. Straight forward and easy enough
Some out of state FFLs are afraid to do business with anyone from MA. They've heard so much about the draconian laws in this stupid state that they think it's not worth the risk to do anything even if it's completely legal. That's why Amazon won't ship any folding knives into MA and other large retailers won't ship even common things.

just an update, tobacco valley in east windsor said I need to ship the gun from mass from ffl and they wouldnt do the transfer if I brought the pistol to them myself.
Ill check a few more ffls but the one my father spoke to also refused.
Some out of state FFLs are afraid to do business with anyone from MA. They've heard so much about the draconian laws in this stupid state that they think it's not worth the risk to do anything even if it's completely legal. That's why Amazon won't ship any folding knives into MA and other large retailers won't ship even common things.
Not surpised. I called a few more stores and they were helpful, expressed their shared frustration but also said that it would need to go thru ffl
For the price of tranferring im gonna direct my old man to just buy a new comprable pistol direct from a ct store and save the headache. Thanks to all who tried to help and give me direction here. Just chalk it up to another case of the blue state blues
just an update, tobacco valley in east windsor said I need to ship the gun from mass from ffl and they wouldnt do the transfer if I brought the pistol to them myself.
Ill check a few more ffls but the one my father spoke to also refused.
try them back and tell them that a CT pistol permit holder will be meeting you in MA and the two of you will be driving it to them.

Their concern is that you will be driving it to CT "Illegally", even though its not illegal per the citation I gave above.

If you do decide to ship the gun to them, I'm assuming its a handgun, remove the slide and all other parts from it. Ship ONLY the lower/frame to the dealer. This can decrease the weight to a small fraction of the entire package with slide, gun case, and magazines. This will save you a ton of money.

Finally, if you bought the gun from a local friendly dealer in MA, know that they can ship the frame via USPS flat rate box. So for a frame, its about $7 + insurance. If they are kind to you as far as a service fee, lets say $25, the total cost of shipping through a local FFL will probably be less than shipping through UPS or Fedex. (I'm out of date on the complexities of shipping through common carriers, maybe someone else can help here, but I believe you need to ship overnight)
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