Semi Auto MAC 10

Jun 22, 2009
Southeast Ma
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I know someone who has a semi auto, open bolt Mac - 10, might be putting it on the market. Seems like an interesting thing to buy, and I think it'd make a fun gun to have. I also have heard that the BATF banned them not long after they came onto the market, making such a firearm a rare find indeed. Anybody have any experience with them? Are spare parts and any accessories easy to come by? Any reading material available for these? A yahoo search didn't bring up very much information.

Thanks in advance for input!
I have some experience with the MAC 10 in full auto. It is compact and relatively concealable for a 9mm sub gun with a 32 round magazine. It is also pretty much uncontrolable on full auto unless you use the extendable butt stock. The gun is mostly stamped sheet metal parts so it is not a fine example of the gun makers art. Basically it looks like a compact version of the venerable "Grease Gun".

The semi auto versions don't have a lot to offer. They are too big for a pistol and their sights are rudimentary at best, so they won't serve well as a carbine. The semi auto MAC 10 is pretty much a collector's item with an unpredictable value down the road. I think that BATF clamped down on them because the semi auto versions were too easily converted to full auto.
The semi auto Mac 10 is both pretty much useless and unusually dangerous to handle.
It may also spontaneously convert itself to full auto.
If this happens, you are S.O.L. because the internal parts are installed in a bracket that is welded into the frame, and not removeable.
You can also deliberately convert one permanently to full auto in less than 30 seconds.
No, I won't tell you how.
The ATF started tracking these guns while they were still legal to sell and has a list of people to keep an eye on.
This is one of very few guns that I wouldn't take for free.
The full auto guns may be better but I would doubt it.
BTW, I had one of the semi auto Mac 10s. The dealer that sold it to me got a personal visit from the ATF regarding both the gun and me. I never heard from them directly.

Wah. You guys are making fun of my Mac 10. I've had one in .45 ACP for 20 years and it has always run like a clock. (knock on wood). Granted, the key to success is the additon of a good wood stock and a suppressor. Still can't hit worth a damn, but real fun to shoot. Jack.
I had an open bolt semi for a while. It was just ok. As mentioned it is a big gun. Sites are very basic. I never had any issues with it as far as function, it fed everything without a hitch. Mags are plentiful and used to be cheap. I never had any safety issues, and don't see it being any less safe than anything else out there, as it's bigger than most guns there is actually more to hold onto..

However, the fact that it is an open bolt gun does take getting used to and does not lend itself well to precision shooting. The bolt on the thing probably weighs about a pound. That slamming forward does definitely make the gun rock back and forth.
So, it's a fun piece, depending on the cost it might make sense or not..
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