Should I modify my Pre Ban AR-15?

Sep 14, 2014
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Long time lurker, first time poster.

I bought my Colt AR15 Gov't Carbine brand new in 1990 here in Mass.
I have put a few thousand rounds thru it, always treated it well, but it is not "new in the box" condition.
I never changed anything on it that couldn't be changed back, so it is all original.
It has a slab side lower, m4 feed ramps, and no sear Block
I am considering replacing the 2 position buffer tube with a 4,5,or 6 position buffer tube.
To do that, I will have to remove the castlenut and destroy the factory staking.
Is this thing a collectible or too valuable to molest in this way?

I see very few of these carbines for sale in Mass.
There is one on gunbroker, not as nice, for $2300

Does the fact that it has been in Mass since before the AWB add any value to it?

Im not interested in selling, I want to pass it along to my son when he is old enough.
I just dont want to do the equivalent of replacing the original engine in a Shelby Mustang.

honestly, if your not going to sell it, why worry about collector value? i vote for do what you want and enjoy it. besides, it's always gonna be a pre ban.
I'm a fan of leaving a quality piece in stock condition, but a preban lower is the only lower that allows you to have fun. Why not...

I'm guessing a $50 to $100 drop in value if that's a consideration. Maybe less assuming you keep the original stuff.
Oooh - that lower receiver doesn't even have the reinforcements around the buffer tube - I bet a retro AR aficionado would go nuts for it.

Personally I'd not mess with it, but it's your stuff. :)
Personally I don't think it would effect the value much, a staking job is pretty easy to do. You'd only need to buy a new endplate (5 dollar piece) to put the old tube back if you wanted. Most of the value is just in the fact it is preban, and therefore you can do whatever you want to it. It will never not be preban, and that will always hold good value.
I have the same Colt preban Gov't. Carbine. Mine was in mint condx when I bought it about 3 years ago. I took off the Colt furniture and put on Magpul OD stuff. Didn't change the buffer tube though so it still has only two positions. I didn't pay anything like $2300 -- that's crazy money -- nuts.

Here's a picture I took in New Hampshire.


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Good luck.

I was going to weigh in to leave it alone. Ha. But I don't feel strongly. Its pretty much a toss up.

I think you should be able to get what you want without removing the buffer tube. I mean, 2 positions is fine, right? I've always used it all the way out anyway.

Most people ignore any implication that a pre-ban had to be in the state before it the ban, so that wouldn't add any value. (To date, nobody's ever been prosecuted based on that logic)


p.s. the only real downside to this kind of pre-ban is that you can't SBR it, simply because it would be a crime to engrave that gun. My real advice is to just buy a pre-ban lower.
Thx Don
I never minded the 2 position stock until I shot one that was 6 position.
I now find that depending on the position I am shooting in, (Offhand, sitting, Prone) or what Im wearing (Tshirt or heavy winter coat or armor) I liked the stock in different positions.
Sucks for me, I cant go back.
Ill keep the original parts in case my son wants to sell it someday.
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