Sig P226 Detail Strip Issue - Locking Insert Stuck

May 8, 2012
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Need some help from the P226 owners out there. I finally picked up a Sig P226 9mm last week, been searching for a new one for a while. Brought it to the range, fired about 150 rounds. I absolutely love this gun.

Last night I went to detail strip the gun and get a closer look and understanding of the internals. Soon into breaking the gun down I run into an issue. I can't get the Locking Insert out (part #26 on the exploded view). The takedown lever came out without any issues, but the Locking Insert won't budge. I sprayed it down with some CLP, but still won't come out. From everything I've read/seen once the takedown lever is removed this piece should slide right out.

Anyone else run into this issue? Any helpful suggestions to removing this piece?

Hammer needs to be down (not cocked) and then pull up and forward at the same time, it has a slanted recess that requires the forward pull. I have never seen one get stuck...if it is something bad is happening and you should see a gunsmith....or I guess buy a big hammer...
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