Sig P229 & Pre-ban mag question

Jun 17, 2013
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First, let me start by saying I've done a lot if research in this but just can't seem to get a complete answer.

I'm picking up a new P229 in 9mm shortly (Scorpion). I'm new to Sigs so spent some time researching how to identify pre-ban P228/P229 mags. Certainly not as clear cut as Glock pre-ban identification, IMHO. I've found some zipper backs that seem to fit the bill.

But, after some more reading I found that Sig changed their P229 grips and the pre-ban 9mm grips fit, but they're loose. Some say they work and others only recommend for range work. Others recommend funding pre-ban P226 mags and adding some available piece that covers space where the mag extends beyond the bottom of the grip. Others say you can use higher caliber pre ban mags.

So, does anyone know if there are any options for pre-ban mags that actually work well in the new P228s? Or a pointer to a complete answer?
This is news to me that they dumped the 9mm frame for the P228. (which it used to share with the 9mm P229) Then again I've never owned any of the newer P228s/9s, so this very well could have changed.

Not sure why in that case someone would suggest a P226 preban, as the external dimensions of the P226 mag tube were never really "bigger" than the P228's mag tube, just the length. Contrast this to a P229/.40 mag which wouldn't even fit in the P228's magwell.

it's confusing. Here's what I know as far as 9 mm is concerned, which I don't claim to know it all on this topic:

first, the Sig 229 E2 uses different magazines, not compatible with the other 229 pistols and there are certainly no preban mags for E2s, which only came out in the past few years, example:

SIG SAUER P229 E2 15 round magazine for 9mm E2 P229 models. These magazines will not fit P228's or P229 9mm's that typically use 9mm 13RD magazines. The E2 and some of the recent P229 9mm models use a .40S&W frame which has a larger diameter magazine well.

my understanding is there are preban mags for traditional 229 pistol, however, they are hard to find.

most common is the Sig 226 9 mm mags which should fit the 229 (non E2 version) but they protrude out the bottom of the mag well some. you can get different floor plates to make it look nicer though. these too are getting hard to find, particularly since some people won't ship any mags in to Mass

Not sure if you can retrofit traditional sig 226/9 mags to fit the E2 or "make it work"
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Sig started using .40 frames for all of their lineup (9mm, .40, etc..). Because .40 magazine well is slightly wider, it allows for 15 rounds flush fit magazines in 9mm. However, the new magazine is also a little wider and thus will NOT fit in older frames.
Preban magazines will fit in the new frames but with a bit side to side play. I read conflicting reports - some people say there are issues, some people say it works. Of course, it would be better to use the magazine designed for the pistol. Keep in mind that 226 magazines are the same width as "preban" 229 magazines and would also be a little loose in the newer frames.
I think for this state, the best bet is to find an older frame (if going 9mm). Also, Sig doesn't know by serial # which gun has which frame. I got a LNIB P229 9mm, made last year on this forum. I sent in the coupon for a magazine and got a new, wide mag. When I requested an RMA, the Sig rep was surprised that I had an older frame since I had a pistol made in 2013.
Well, guess that mystery is solved then... they dumped the P228 frame size in the P229. Makes sense but it's too bad that they didn't do this in... 1992 or so. [laugh]

P.S. If you are a Sig enthusiast, head over to and Todd's 2014 gun is a P229. This where i picked up all the details.
Thanks for the responses. I love this forum!

One more question: if the older 228/229s used a larger frame for the larger calibers (357/40), does anyone know if those mags would fit the new P229 9mm E2 frame? I suppose I could just test if it fits/works...
Thanks for the responses. I love this forum!

One more question: if the older 228/229s used a larger frame for the larger calibers (357/40), does anyone know if those mags would fit the new P229 9mm E2 frame? I suppose I could just test if it fits/works...

I would think the feed lips on the .40 mags would be too wide for 9 mm
Try it. I believe some people reported that .40 mags worked fine in wider 9mm frames with 9mm ammo and held 14-15 rounds. However, whether this setup can be trusted for defensive purposed is another question.
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