Sig P229 pre-ban magazines?

The original P228/P229 9MM magazines were 13 rounders, with a Zipper Back. The 9MM version of the P229 had a slimmer frame than the P229 in .40. You could not insert a P229 .40 magazine into a 9MM P229.
(I know, I have an older P229 in 9MM)

The newer P229's are all built on the .40 frame, and the magazine you're displaying is the newer style (slightly wider than factory preban) 9MM magazine.

Picture here of factory P228/P229 9MM magazines.
preban P228/P229 9mm - 13 round mags...

15 round mags are for P226 and will fit in a P228/P228

The mag in you post is a post-ban hicap...
This is a mess. Unless it is LE marked you will not have a clean answer.

MecGar aftermarkets may or may not be preban, but good luck with that.

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