Sig P6 question

Aug 25, 2010
Peabody, Ma
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I just wanted to be sure, since the Sig P6 was made before the compliancy bs it should be fine to transfer into MA, correct?

On top of that, does anyone here own one and care to comment on it?

Depends on the dealer, but many will transfer a P6.

It's a nice little gun. Some of the early ones have a hard time feeding anything but round nose FMJ, but you can get the feed ramp re-profiled to feed more modern ammo. It takes the same trigger parts as a typical P series so you can swap in an SRT trigger if that floats your boat.

This guy does the feed ramp work and makes custom P6 parts: (Lame name but he does good work.)

Edited to add: The stock P6 mainspring is obnoxiously heavy. You can swap in a stock p225 spring for a lighter (but still perfectly reliable) trigger pull, or even go down to a lighter Wolf spring if you're willing to deal with the potential for occasional light primer strikes. (I think I put a 19 pound spring in mine but I don't carry it for self defense.)
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Depends on the dealer, but many will transfer a P6.

It's a nice little gun. Some of the early ones have a hard time feeding anything but round nose FMJ, but you can get the feed ramp re-profiled to feed more modern ammo. It takes the same trigger parts as a typical P series so you can swap in an SRT trigger if that floats your boat.

This guy does the feed ramp work and makes custom P6 parts: (Lame name but he does good work.)

Edited to add: The stock P6 mainspring is obnoxiously heavy. You can swap in a stock p225 spring for a lighter (but still perfectly reliable) trigger pull, or even go down to a lighter Wolf spring if you're willing to deal with the potential for occasional light primer strikes. (I think I put a 19 pound spring in mine but I don't carry it for self defense.)

Ditto to everything jasons said. Some dealers will transfer them, others won't. Todd at customizedcreationz did a great job with my barrel. It went from chocking on any hollow or flat points to feeding everything. It was a nice little gun but I could never get used to the DA/SA trigger. I'd rather have all SA or all DA but that is a personal preference.
I had a P225, which is essentially the same gun, and I loved it.

I regret selling it.
I just wanted to be sure, since the Sig P6 was made before the compliancy bs it should be fine to transfer into MA, correct?

Ask the dealer(s) you would be using to do the inbound transfer. Only what they say matters, in the end. Compliance is not your problem, its their problem.

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