SIG pistols

Mar 6, 2009
Western MA
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About a year ago I bought my first 45. A Sig p220 and I absolutely love it. I have become a die hard Sig fan and I am going to sell off my M&P's. I just bought a p229 in 40 and another p220. The issue I have is with the factory night sights. All three pistols have at least one night sight that is not centered, ie. the green dot is very far to the left or right of the white dot. One sight is so far over that there is no white on one side of the green dot. I figure that since all three of my sigs have this it must be common. I would like to know if anybody else has noticed this. I doubt it is an issue as they are bright and if I do any night shooting it won't be target shooting. Again, just wondering if it is common. Another issue is with the finish. My p229 has scrape marks on one side of the slide. I didn't notice them when I bought it because it was covered in oil. Also, the aluminum frames are prone to chipping and I have small chips on my first p220 from use. Has anyone else experienced this? Sorry for these q's, but I am extremely anal with my $800 weapons.

All I can say for the finish is Robar! Yeah, it happens. Had my P220 sent to Robard for NP3 ( Norton Special) and been carrying it for awhile, no wear issue at all. Maybe some of your holster wear is holster related? What type of holster do you use?
Where in western Mass are you? Anywhere near Springfield? It would help to look at your sights to see just what is going on.

Joe Cartabona at Personal Defense Specialists may be able to help you with new sights IF they are needed.
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