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Sig Sauer Sales Event at MFS

On Friday, March 20th and Saturday, March 21st, MFS will be holding a special Sig Sauer Sales Event!

In-store give-a-ways include two FREE Magazines with each firearm purchase (specific to the firearm purchased), a FREE box of hollow point Sig Sauer ammunition, FREE Hats, pens and stickers! (Over $100 in retail value)

A Sig Sauer professional sales representative will be behind the counter to work and support the event both days!

Sig Sauer firearms have been extremely difficult to attain and keep in-stock. Even with MFS being one of the very few Master Dealers with Sig in the State, we have not been able to get many models. Thankfully, we have been able to stock up on a variety of different models for the event!

Our Sig Sauer representative will be taking orders from open until 5pm  on both days for  ANY  MA compliant Sig Sauer firearm that we currently do not  have in stock. Turnaround time may be several weeks or more for certain firearms, however,  you can cancel the order anytime. No deposit is necessary.

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