Sight Alignment

Sep 29, 2011
Fairbanks, Alaska
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I recently purchased an SR9c and probably won't be able to get to the range until at least next week. When I bought it the sight was loose and slid off, and the dealer promised to return it to Ruger. A week later they said they fixed it with locktite, but I noticed it seems marginally off center.

This is going to bother me until I can get to the range and sight it in but, is there a way I can judge point of impact at 0, 10, 25 yards without firing the gun and without a boresight?
No. Loctiting the rear sight without checking the zero is a bad idea. The gun might be zero'd but a visibly off center rear sight is not a good sign. A trip to the range will be necessary to check.

You need to buy some Loctite 290 (green) wicking thread locker. Get the rear sight and dovetail squeaky clean and then sight the pistol in. Once zero has been established apply a little of the wicking 290 to the set screw and the dovetail. The 290 will work itself into the threads and dovetail to lock the sight in place. I would give it 24 hours to set. Good luck
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