
I have the 9mm one 2009 model and I like it alot. Its lite for a sig [poly frame] and have no problems with over 2000 rds. thru it. The 40 model is 2340 but I think sig discontinue making them and yes these models are MA. ok.I would check sigs web page for the newer model ones and see if they are MA ok.
I was looking at one of these myself. The SP2009. I like the gun. The only thing stopping me from buying that over a glock 19 are hi-cap mags. I'm pretty sure since the gun is a newer design there are no pre-ban mags that we can legally own. Maybe they are around but i haven't seen them.
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I have the P2340 in .40S&W and it shoots like my other sigs - accurate and reliable.....

Four Seasons had a few and there was another dealer on here that had them also....
My brother and I each have a 2340 in 40, both are really nice shooters. IIRC, the rail up front only fit SIG accessories, which was the major change from the 2340 to the 2022. My only minor complaint on the 2340 is that I prefer different color inserts on the front and back night sights.

Both are on the EOPS approved list, I'm not sure how they stand with the AG's regs.
SIG SP2022

The SP2340 has been discontinued, but if you picture an SP2022 with different dimensions on the rail, it will be, um, exactly like a 2340.

I couldn't find the SP2009 on the SIGARMS site either, but according to Wikipedia it's the 9mm version of the other SigPros.
IMO they are pretty good guns for the money, but getting harder to find as Sig did not bother making an MA Compliant SP2022.

There are no preban mags for these guns, but in .40 and .357 sig your only
down a round or two anyways.

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