single shot follower ?


NES Member
Dec 26, 2008
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OK i had to place a order at numrich gun parts for other products so I ordered the sinlge shot followers they have Part#1248700A
after installing tonight and testing I noticed there is nothing for the bolt catch to push down on these followers to allow the bolt to close.
These are suposed to be new manufactured and for M16/AR15 ? Any insight other than call numrich monday ?
OK i had to place a order at numrich gun parts for other products so I ordered the sinlge shot followers they have Part#1248700A
after installing tonight and testing I noticed there is nothing for the bolt catch to push down on these followers to allow the bolt to close.
These are suposed to be new manufactured and for M16/AR15 ? Any insight other than call numrich monday ?

That's how it's supposed to work. Load a round through the ejection port, hit the bolt release, shoot, repeat. They're not really new. I've used them for a few years because I'm too cheap to buy a bob sled.
They just state new in description I assume not used...
they are void of the nub that the bolt release pushes down on. So don't buy these.

Once installed and the bolt draw back and locked its staying locked unless you want to push down the follower with your finger. For S&G 's ill post pics as I need practice with the camera...
As always, I do the simplest thing and not use one at all.
Yeah have not used one till this point. I was just there on numrich web site ordering other items and thought.....well I called to day and was on hold long enough to hang up.
numerich says they sold many and no returns on these followers ?

you tell me, will these work? The women actually told me they may need a gun smith to be fitted. Am I missing something here? I told her theres no way these can work and they should check it out.......i got no where. 103_3239.jpg 103_3240.jpg 103_3238.jpg
It seems to me that a single case follower would allow the nose of the bullet to slam into the area between the feed ramps. Kind of defeats the purpose unless you have another feed ramp ground into the middle. Am I wrong?
Mike reguardless off what the bottom looks like these newly manufactured one shot followers are void of the small " nub" on the rear of the follower where the bolt release would push dowm on the follower to let the bolt close. Like the green one.
More or less theses are hold bolt open forever followers.....
I will be mailing them back to numrich arms and hope I at least get a credit. As the women was very vocal about the picture clearly shows the follower void of the nub. There was no mis representation of product......blahblahblah. what got me the most was the " no one else seems to complain about these, and we would know if somethings wrong" way they handled it.
Mike reguardless off what the bottom looks like these newly manufactured one shot followers are void of the small " nub" on the rear of the follower where the bolt release would push dowm on the follower to let the bolt close. Like the green one.
More or less theses are hold bolt open forever followers.....
I will be mailing them back to numrich arms and hope I at least get a credit. As the women was very vocal about the picture clearly shows the follower void of the nub. There was no mis representation of product......blahblahblah. what got me the most was the " no one else seems to complain about these, and we would know if somethings wrong" way they handled it.

It will probably cost more to send back than give,or toss
thanks adam, im going to be out and about saturday with my daughter. I going to try and work you into the loop. I got a little made money to get rid of also, time to shop
I finally got my Credit from these from numerich, not a peep out of them other wise. Money back is good enough.....the one adam gave me works great.
thanks adam.
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