Smith 1911 Pro Series in 9 Mil

If you want a 9mm 1911 in MA, and don't want to search high and low for one that is already in the state, they are the only game in town. One day I'll one for an IDPA ESP gun.
I was at Braintree a few weeks back and a gentleman had a 1911 PS 9mm - he put it through the paces using a simple rest at 25 yards. He was not thrilled with the performance. His feedback was he could spend 1200+ better elsewhere.
I have one and it is awesome. The trigger is unreal. Only issue I have had is the slide does not always lock back when the last round is fired but it doesn't bother me since this is just a range gun for me. Accurate as hell minimal recoil. Sweet is all I can say.
Great guns and i think worth every penny. very smooth trigger and shooter. Only issue i see is the cost of mags but thats not a gun i would feel the need to have 10 mags for.
I have one and it is awesome. The trigger is unreal. Only issue I have had is the slide does not always lock back when the last round is fired but it doesn't bother me since this is just a range gun for me. Accurate as hell minimal recoil. Sweet is all I can say.

I shot a rental at S&W and had the same experience with the lock back, I asked the range attendant about it and he said he thought is was the mags, I asked if he knew that they were supposed to be wilson mags and he gave me the deer in the headlights look, I explained that wilson makes squared away gear and suggested that it might be the fact that it is a rental and been ridden hard and put away wet, but I am no expert. Awesome shooter, but if I'm spending that much for a fun/comp gun I want better functioning.
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I was at Braintree a few weeks back and a gentleman had a 1911 PS 9mm - he put it through the paces using a simple rest at 25 yards. He was not thrilled with the performance. His feedback was he could spend 1200+ better elsewhere.

What did he say was wrong with it?

The only things I could really tell at the outset was that the trigger could have used a little work. That's about typical of most factory 1911s, though. Was the accuracy not good enough for him?

What did he say was wrong with it?
Was the accuracy not good enough for him?

I believe that was his concern as opposed to trigger, function. But judging accuracy without a locked rest, and even then is somewhat subjective. I'd take it with a grain of salt - I did not fire the weapon. I hear nothing but good things about any of the PC line.
One of the regulars at my club has one. He seems to like it. Another guy, who is a bullseye shooter and avid 1911 expert says it is not as accurate as it should be.

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