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So will I if I find something I want.

Back to the Marlboro rifle. It's a CAI import, but I don't think it's recent. Rather, I think it's been in storage somewhere. It's well preserved, if anything it has MORE Cosmoline than the Savage I got a few weeks ago.

I've started stripping the rifle and it seems to be in good, almost new, condition. I have the hand guards off and both are stamped (inside) with F 54. There are some other numbers or letters,  but I can't make them out yet. Once I get the gunk off, maybe those will be possible to read. On the barrel right near the receiver is the British Royal Crest (I think that's what they call it) with the letters G R on either side. Which should mean that the barrel was made during the reign of King George VI. That puts it before February 1952 for the barrel at least.

Once I have it completely stripped and cleaned I'll see if there are any more identifyers.


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