Well.... my wife got me a Harris bipod, Dewey cleaning rods, Saints and Soldiers and the Big Red One on DVDs, a very rare Warrior Soul t-shirt (http://www.myspace.com/wsoul), a calendar with a picture that I took a while back of our Pug standing next to my SVT40 and Hakim, (I'll post the original shot when I get a chance) and some other odds and ends plus the Brazilian 1908 Mauser a few days ago for my Birthday.
Tomorrow I'm guessing my Mother in law will give me cash. That'll go towards the Romanian SKS I'm buying next weekend, plus I don't know what my Father has for me. I'm hoping its a good chunk of cash or an AR upper.
You were right Marc. The empty Saiga 12 shotgun box threw me for a loop when it was all wrapped up. Couldn't imagine what it was because it was so light.
Thanks for helping my Father out on this one. Looks like we'll be heading up to Zero Hour tomorrow night around 5:30 so long as they're open.