So, who works in a high rise?

it'd be interesting to see the death match unfurl as the trapped workers fight for the one parachute. Or, they all get placed only on the 1st and 2nd floors and people fall to their death wrapped in the white sheet.
I suspect these are offered on an "if you have to ask, you can't afford it" basis, as the site does not give a price until you complete all buying info. I tried it with "test" in all fields and it generated an code error when I would have been taken to the final page with payment.

Plus, I am suspicious of a vendor who operates on "wire transfer, no credit cards" which might as well be worded "no recourse, trust us".
As an active skydiver, one thing which concerns me is that they use a ram-air parachute... that sort of parachute inflates through moving forward. And skyscrapers are usually built near -other- skyscrapers. That means your escape parachute could just fly forward into another building... and that leads to your parachute not working well. This link shows what "not working well" means.

I work on the 20th floor of a building, and would trust my life to this type of solution if I needed to.
throw one of your liberal coworkers who's cowering in place right through it...they've already given up and surrendered to die anyway...might as well use them for something purposeful.

You might need to use a few of them. Glass that high up tends to be stronger than a liberal, and is often at least two thicknesses.
How are we supposed to open these windows?

Just what I was thinking. You can throw a chair at the windows and not break them. This is probably a lot like oxygen in an airplane. By the time you realize the chute isn't working, you splatter. What a great way to get people to willingly jump to their deaths.

Given all the misspellings on their web site, I don't think I'm going to trust their QC team.

As far as product quality/returns, let's see: you either never use it, and therefore never know if it works(like a lot of armor and other niche tacticool survival gear) or you do use it, die, and they just say you did it wrong.

Man, I gotta find me a scam as neat as this one. Maybe start selling a survival currency that will be universally recognized when TSHTF. Oh, wait, they've already ingested ammunition.
This is a lot more useful: It's a controlled descend device that can get multiple people to safety, instead of just one.

If you are somewhere between 10~30 meters and your escape is blocked by the fire, a parachute isn't going to save you.
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