So you have 200 PDFs...

I’m pretty sure I will see a 72 hour situation in my lifetime. In the 72 hour scenario, I can charge my laptop in my car, and view the docs from there.

A 72 hour situation...that's called Winter ;-)

I've had one 2 out of the last 3....
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you survival guys have boring threads, lol :emoji_sleeping: i'm going over to find out what the rabbits are doing.

“Survivalist” has negative connotations, and I don’t consider myself one at all. I identify as “Guy that comes up with creative but plausible excuses for buying more toys”.
“Survivalist” has negative connotations, and I don’t consider myself one at all. I identify as “Guy that comes up with creative but plausible excuses for buying more toys”.

Even so, after the no knock raid, your neighbors will comment on the news how you were always so quiet, kept to yourself but always seemed nice enough... They never saw this coming... And they'll call you by your whole name, first middle last, instead of "Jim" or whatever they call you now. [laugh]

(apologies if your name really is Jim)
There are a ton of materials that can be downloaded using torrents. In the public domain, look for military "courseware", generally PDFs of manuals on every topic from finding medicines in the wilderness to winter survival to pitching a tent in the desert. There are also what amount to Chilton manuals for all the vehicles and equipment.

For the less law abiding, you'll find pirated copies of the Foxfire books, which you ought to buy in print for the bookshelf for pleasure reading if no other reason. Uncountable ebooks, audiobooks and so on.

You could easily fill a multi terabyte hard drive with the public domain stuff, though, so there is little reason to seek out the pirated stuff.
“Survivalist” has negative connotations, and I don’t consider myself one at all. I identify as “Guy that comes up with creative but plausible excuses for buying more toys”.

A survivalist is simply someone who puts extra value on surviving. I'm puzzled how someone would NOT want to be a survivalist, since if they fail at surviving, they are... dead. It doesn't necessarily have to mean some smelly hermit in the woods trying to live off of what he finds out there... there are other ways to live that would also qualify as surviving.
A survivalist is simply someone who puts extra value on surviving. I'm puzzled how someone would NOT want to be a survivalist, since if they fail at surviving, they are... dead. It doesn't necessarily have to mean some smelly hermit in the woods trying to live off of what he finds out there... there are other ways to live that would also qualify as surviving.

Being self reliant and prepared for unexpected situations was simply what you DID if you wanted to live past your childhood, back in the day.

The whole concept began to dwindle away in the 60's and 70's and now, people are simply accustomed to trotting off to the supermarket or Home Depot for whatever ADHD need flitts across their brain cell.

Then came the concerted efforts (IMO backed by the same a-holes behind the anti-gun movements) to make survivalists / preppers (no offense) appear to be fools or mentally ill.

Anybody remember "Doomsday Preppers"? Sure, you could find some useful information if you knew what to ignore but the producers deliberately sought out drama queens and morons for the cast (by and large, anyway - there were some exceptions).

I remember one couple that made a home out of some shipping containers. NOT a bad idea, done properly you wind up with a very livable home that looks nice and provides many benefits over a conventional home. So then they decided to "prove" how the house is bullet proof (which shipping containers are NOT).

How, you ask?

They went outside and paced off maybe 50 yards and then they setup and shot the house. Then they walked back to house to show a couple of scrape marks where they'd hit it.

Only they using a couple of crappy .22 rifles and they shot not at the walls but at the structural members that make the frame of the container. It was funny, but sad, too. I couldn't tell if they were just hamming it up for camera or if they really thought they'd built some kind of fortress.

That show would NEVER have shown a family living in a normal home with decent security systems, a garden, some animals for meat, dairy and poultry, using firewood for heat and having solar or generator backups, an appropriate selection of tools and vehicles that were capable of dealing with local conditions after say, a hurricane or blizzard. If they had a pantry with canned bulk goods to last them several months or a year or two (and the food looked edible and not like a science project) they'd NEVER even get past the first interview.

But send in a demo reel of you wearing a tin foil suit of armor... You're in!

So blame the media and whoever mounted the attack on the American people 50 years back...
Being self reliant and prepared for unexpected situations was simply what you DID if you wanted to live past your childhood, back in the day.

The whole concept began to dwindle away in the 60's and 70's and now, people are simply accustomed to trotting off to the supermarket or Home Depot for whatever ADHD need flitts across their brain cell.

Then came the concerted efforts (IMO backed by the same a-holes behind the anti-gun movements) to make survivalists / preppers (no offense) appear to be fools or mentally ill.

Anybody remember "Doomsday Preppers"? Sure, you could find some useful information if you knew what to ignore but the producers deliberately sought out drama queens and morons for the cast (by and large, anyway - there were some exceptions).

I remember one couple that made a home out of some shipping containers. NOT a bad idea, done properly you wind up with a very livable home that looks nice and provides many benefits over a conventional home. So then they decided to "prove" how the house is bullet proof (which shipping containers are NOT).

How, you ask?

They went outside and paced off maybe 50 yards and then they setup and shot the house. Then they walked back to house to show a couple of scrape marks where they'd hit it.

Only they using a couple of crappy .22 rifles and they shot not at the walls but at the structural members that make the frame of the container. It was funny, but sad, too. I couldn't tell if they were just hamming it up for camera or if they really thought they'd built some kind of fortress.

That show would NEVER have shown a family living in a normal home with decent security systems, a garden, some animals for meat, dairy and poultry, using firewood for heat and having solar or generator backups, an appropriate selection of tools and vehicles that were capable of dealing with local conditions after say, a hurricane or blizzard. If they had a pantry with canned bulk goods to last them several months or a year or two (and the food looked edible and not like a science project) they'd NEVER even get past the first interview.

But send in a demo reel of you wearing a tin foil suit of armor... You're in!

So blame the media and whoever mounted the attack on the American people 50 years back...

Being self reliant and prepared for unexpected situations was simply what you DID if you wanted to live past your childhood, back in the day.

The whole concept began to dwindle away in the 60's and 70's and now, people are simply accustomed to trotting off to the supermarket or Home Depot for whatever ADHD need flitts across their brain cell.

Then came the concerted efforts (IMO backed by the same a-holes behind the anti-gun movements) to make survivalists / preppers (no offense) appear to be fools or mentally ill.

Anybody remember "Doomsday Preppers"? Sure, you could find some useful information if you knew what to ignore but the producers deliberately sought out drama queens and morons for the cast (by and large, anyway - there were some exceptions).

I remember one couple that made a home out of some shipping containers. NOT a bad idea, done properly you wind up with a very livable home that looks nice and provides many benefits over a conventional home. So then they decided to "prove" how the house is bullet proof (which shipping containers are NOT).

How, you ask?

They went outside and paced off maybe 50 yards and then they setup and shot the house. Then they walked back to house to show a couple of scrape marks where they'd hit it.

Only they using a couple of crappy .22 rifles and they shot not at the walls but at the structural members that make the frame of the container. It was funny, but sad, too. I couldn't tell if they were just hamming it up for camera or if they really thought they'd built some kind of fortress.

That show would NEVER have shown a family living in a normal home with decent security systems, a garden, some animals for meat, dairy and poultry, using firewood for heat and having solar or generator backups, an appropriate selection of tools and vehicles that were capable of dealing with local conditions after say, a hurricane or blizzard. If they had a pantry with canned bulk goods to last them several months or a year or two (and the food looked edible and not like a science project) they'd NEVER even get past the first interview.

But send in a demo reel of you wearing a tin foil suit of armor... You're in!

So blame the media and whoever mounted the attack on the American people 50 years back...

Anyone dumb enough to literally document their preps, on film, for broadcast.....and the full retard prepper readiness grade they gave.

so if you operate, pull hi speed/lo drag shit, have a case of freeze dried dehydrated potatoes and a jerry can of gas, you're good....right?

you can ignore coms, intel gathering, water sources, seed, meds/first aid, hygiene, long term food, heat, cooking, power, ammo, etc.

Don't worry, the brutal MS13-level people who end up being left if SHTF will negotiate like Obama with Iran, and will be easy marks.
Anyone dumb enough to literally document their preps, on film, for broadcast.....and the full retard prepper readiness grade they gave.

so if you operate, pull hi speed/lo drag shit, have a case of freeze dried dehydrated potatoes and a jerry can of gas, you're good....right?

you can ignore coms, intel gathering, water sources, seed, meds/first aid, hygiene, long term food, heat, cooking, power, ammo, etc.

Don't worry, the brutal MS13-level people who end up being left if SHTF will negotiate like Obama with Iran, and will be easy marks.

I'm more of the high drag, low speed variety. Life in the Zombie apocalypse would be WAY too hard. I'm counting on being in the first or second wave of die offs. I have NO wish to meet a barbed wire adorned baseball bat.
Anyone dumb enough to literally document their preps, on film, for broadcast.....and the full retard prepper readiness grade they gave.

so if you operate, pull hi speed/lo drag shit, have a case of freeze dried dehydrated potatoes and a jerry can of gas, you're good....right?

you can ignore coms, intel gathering, water sources, seed, meds/first aid, hygiene, long term food, heat, cooking, power, ammo, etc.

Don't worry, the brutal MS13-level people who end up being left if SHTF will negotiate like Obama with Iran, and will be easy marks.

My favorite Prepper episode was one of the early ones I think where the rich dude had everything. Compound overlooking some CA city with perimeter alarms, all sorts of interior security, toting the .50 Beowulf yet seemed to be all alone. Or maybe he was just smart and thats what he wanted everyone to think... lol.
To be honest, I'm working on the printing and laminating thing. I doubt libraries will be looted in the near term, so most stuff you need to know will be there on the shelves. But, for ease of use, I figure it'd be nice to know how to build a wood gassifier. So I have several plans stored away, one day I'll print, laminate, and put in a safe.

I figure if I can turn the lights back on, I'll be pretty much set for anything else.
My favorite Prepper episode was one of the early ones I think where the rich dude had everything. Compound overlooking some CA city with perimeter alarms, all sorts of interior security, toting the .50 Beowulf yet seemed to be all alone. Or maybe he was just smart and thats what he wanted everyone to think... lol.

What about the guy that lived in the cinderblock shell of a castle, had a hot daughter and a junkie son (and others). And ended up getting his own series?
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