solar power for 14' x 66' mobile home

May 15, 2016
Scarborough ME
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Any clues as to a solar setup for a 14 x 66 mobile home? Have r-49 insulation in attic, r-19 under floor, belive r-ii in 2walls. Thinking of this as a back-up setup when grid goes down, I want to run refrigerator, furnace blower, lights, cell phone charger, a couple of fans, maybe one ac unit. don't need to run well pump, washer or dishwasher. Any ideas? Furnace is less than 5 year old 80000 btu Miller burning k-1. thanks!
There are a number of calculators online. PLug in your usage and it will size the system. How are you going to get water without the well pump?
You probably want a diesel generator but if you want solar:

Mobile means low cost so you will need to check the roof loading through a structural engineer.

What direction does the roof face?
Do you have room for the storage system?

Assuming a south facing roof with no penetrations you might fit 24 panels at 300 watts for a 7.2kW STC system. At 3.70/watt your looking at $27,000 before storage (12-15k)

A generator is cheaper unless you really want solar and have great incentives available

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A pic of my 9.6kW system and a chart of a good production day.

I don't have storage because the cost of 30kWHrs of batteries is insane.


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