SOLD: 2 complete AR's both spike's lower with adjustable stock; bear creak 556 and 300 blk uppers

Aug 11, 2013
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Never fired ar-15's one in 556, the other in 300 blkout. Will sell together for 1800 or apart for 1000. I will trade both for a Laguna 18bx 220v bandsaw in good or better shape. If sold apart, first to choose has choice of lower and upper.

Spike's lowers, one with a magpul adjustable furniture, the other with CAA adjustable furniture. Both with Bear Creak uppers.
300 Blackout, 16" Parkerized, 1:8 Twist, Pistol Length Gas System, 15" MLOK Rail|Side Charging Upper
5.56 , 16" Parkerized M4, 1:7 Twist, Carbine Length Gas System, 15" MLOK Gen 3 Rail|Side Charging Upper

Payment choices accepted, or any other mutually agreed upon method.
1 oz of gold coin/bar (from reputable source)
75 oz of silver (from reputable source).
Laguna 18bx 220v bandsaw

If you are a NH resident I'll meet you in/near Portsmouth or Manchester. You must have a valid NH DL and PRL, otherwise at an FFL. Any other state in NH around those areas or just over ME line at an FFL of your choice. PM for additional details; I check NES 1-2 times a day.


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