Some gave all - some gave none. RI VFW Commander - stolen valor.

Plead out and got 6 years! A bit harsh :p

Cavanaugh, a former licensed social worker employed by the Dept. of Veterans Affairs at the Providence Veterans Affairs Medical Center, falsely claimed to be a corporal in the Marine Corps. In addition, she claimed to be suffering from cancer that originated from exposure to burn pit sights in Iraq and Afghanistan and that she was dealing with PTSD from an IED blast. She went as far as to tell people at her gym that she was so wounded from her time in the military that she had trouble tying her shoes, which many routinely did for her.
And there are some who are the opposite. My wife worked with a guy who was a Vietnam vet. He freely shared that he was a cook and the only danger he was in was cutting a finger while cooking. Stand up guy IMO.
The HunterSeven Foundation does some pretty incredible work for vets with cancer. Great interview of the co-founder Chelsey Simoni on Tulsi Gabbard's podcast a while back.
And there are some who are the opposite. My wife worked with a guy who was a Vietnam vet. He freely shared that he was a cook and the only danger he was in was cutting a finger while cooking. Stand up guy IMO.
Without hesitation, I can confirm had they let loose the cooks in Vietnam the war would've been over in three weeks....seriously
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