Speedloader videos...

May 26, 2005
northeast MA
Feedback: 22 / 0 / 0
Not sure if this is the right place or not, but I put together some video detailing the different types of speedloaders available for revolvers.

I used a Maxfire soft rubber speedloader:

An HKS traditional speedloader:

and a Bianchi Speed Strip:

I found it interesting that the loading times for all three were within a second or two of each other.

Anyhoo, I thought it was interesting...

I shot one other video of me reloading the 360 with loose rounds. It took so long, I was instantly dissuaded from ever carrying loose ammo...
Very cool Jay...I use SpeedStrips now on my 642CT, as the HKS will not clear the grip and I have to literally line the noses up just inside the cylinder and drop them in - not a good thing for a tactical reload. I wonder id Safariland will clear the CT?
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