Hey all, I just bought a SR1911 less than a week ago, and it is my 3rd 1911. I've been a 1911 owner for many years, and have shot my other two on a bi-weekly basis for years.
I've got somewhere around 10,000 rounds through my other two 1911s between the two, I've also shot many other 1911s, both friends' and rentals, and have never had this problem!
I put 150 rounds through my SR1911 and within the first couple mags I had skin torn away from the webbing between my thumb and index of my right (dominant) hand.
I've identified the problem - it's the fit of the beavertail and/or the frame itself where it meets the beavertail grip safety.
When looking at the rear of the pistol, the left-side 'inlet' of the frame where it visibly darts inward to the shape of the grip safety, is raised more than the safety itself is, and that is definitely what is ripping my thumb open :-/
Has anyone else had this problem? Do I have a fluke SR1911 that was built at 4pm on a Friday? I'm tempted to go at it with a dremel or something, but would like opinions before I do anything drastic.
I bought my Ruger for EDC both CCWing on my days off and for duty use at work. I work armed security / burglar alarm response, and open carry with a safariland 6360. One of my other two 1911s' finish is too sensitive for duty use - polished blued, and the other is too rare -ltd edition 1 of 250. So I bought the SR1911 to be a trusty sidearm that can get scratched and whatnot without me minding, and could always be replaced.
I really don't want to have to send it all the way back to Arizona but I suppose I would if that's the best course of action :-/
Any and all input, opinions, and advice is greatly appreciated!
Happy shootin' to you fellas and gals
I've got somewhere around 10,000 rounds through my other two 1911s between the two, I've also shot many other 1911s, both friends' and rentals, and have never had this problem!
I put 150 rounds through my SR1911 and within the first couple mags I had skin torn away from the webbing between my thumb and index of my right (dominant) hand.
I've identified the problem - it's the fit of the beavertail and/or the frame itself where it meets the beavertail grip safety.
When looking at the rear of the pistol, the left-side 'inlet' of the frame where it visibly darts inward to the shape of the grip safety, is raised more than the safety itself is, and that is definitely what is ripping my thumb open :-/
Has anyone else had this problem? Do I have a fluke SR1911 that was built at 4pm on a Friday? I'm tempted to go at it with a dremel or something, but would like opinions before I do anything drastic.
I bought my Ruger for EDC both CCWing on my days off and for duty use at work. I work armed security / burglar alarm response, and open carry with a safariland 6360. One of my other two 1911s' finish is too sensitive for duty use - polished blued, and the other is too rare -ltd edition 1 of 250. So I bought the SR1911 to be a trusty sidearm that can get scratched and whatnot without me minding, and could always be replaced.
I really don't want to have to send it all the way back to Arizona but I suppose I would if that's the best course of action :-/
Any and all input, opinions, and advice is greatly appreciated!
Happy shootin' to you fellas and gals