SR9c accuracy problems... Help please!

Jul 24, 2011
North Shore
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Here's the short story: I bought my SR9c back in January and probably have put about 700-800 rounds through it. I use flat mag floor magazine while practice shooting because this is my current CCW. Over the last 6 months I have not seen my accuracy improve with this gun. When I thought it might be the sights and not just me, I bought a 9mm boresight only to find that it was dead on. Does anyone else have problems shooting this gun?

I can keep the shots within a 6 inch target at 25 feet but they are all over the place. With my G17, I can shoot about a 2" grouping every range trip and only have accuracy issues with this gun. Any suggestions on my grip, breathing, and stance would be appreciated. Hopefully I can figure out the problem because I really love this gun. Thanks!
6" at 25 feet is really good for a gun with such a short sight radius. DAO guns with short sight radii are the toughest to master. Keep practicing.

I have a Snub nosed 357, and I've spent almost two years practicing with primarily that. It's all about a smooth, consistent trigger pull. You have to do it the exact same way every time.
It's the same for me, after a year I am happy I don't miss the 8x10" paper @ 30'.
The short barrel is hard for accuracy so keep practicing. My sight was dead on from factory too, it's all about the trigger pull.
Thanks all, I could be flinching more with this gun. It tends to be a little snappy sometimes. And I agree about the short Sight radius, I am not used to shorter barrel firearms. I am actually looking for a smaller CCW, like a LC9 or similar. I would love the Glock 33 but I can keep dreaming. [laugh]
The sr9c is not snappy at all its very mild mannered (wtf its a 9)

If your thinking glock 33.....try one youll fully understand snappy.

Also note that the baby glock is the same size as the sr9c. In fact the 9c is somewhat thinner in the grip than the glocks.
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The sr9c is not snappy at all its very mild mannered (wtf its a 9)

If your thinking glock 33.....try one youll fully understand snappy.

Also note that the baby glock is the same size as the sr9c. In fact the 9c is somewhat thinner in the grip than the glocks.

Yes the g27/33 is a tiny bit wider but it is also 4 ounces less. My grip may be wrong which is probably causing me to feel a snap. I shoot 40's just fine and I know that the 9mm does not have much recoil.
Use a nice thumbs forward grip to add a little control to the front of the gun, it really makes a difference! The more hand you can get on the gun the better control you will have.


This ^ - My grip wasn't too great when I started with my SR9c at the range but I went with a good thumbs-forward grip and it improved my accuracy a ton. Usually shoot around 10 yds~ at my indoor range and can get them all within a 3-4"~ group around the center now instead of peppering the left and bottom left.
Shoot it off a bench/sandbags first. You'll find out right away whether it's the gun or not.

Thanks guys. I will definitely try my thumbs forward and then use the bench rest. I can shoot every handgun I know very accurately and I know when I make a mistake, but with this gun I am all over the place. I appreciate all the advice from you all. I'll check back when I hit the range.
Thanks guys. I will definitely try my thumbs forward and then use the bench rest. I can shoot every handgun I know very accurately and I know when I make a mistake, but with this gun I am all over the place. I appreciate all the advice from you all. I'll check back when I hit the range.

Have you ever used snap caps? They have helped me a lot in the past, but I'm a pretty new shooter, not sure what your experience level is
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