SR9c black vs two tone

Nov 2, 2011
Free Hampshire
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Is there any advantages/disadvantages between the all black and two tone models of the SR9c? Or is it purely cosmetic and up to personal preference?
Two tone is boss. I loved mine. Is purely cosmetic the guns obviously function the same as you know.

I feel like the two tone is less worry about finish and holster wear

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The gun is fugly as hell (much like every other polymer handgun) so it really doesn't matter. I'd rather have a black one. Shows up less if concealment is blown.

I decided on all black for my SR9. It was a coin toss, but I was thinking more in terms of stealth. Not that I'm going to be concealing my SR9.

And now that I have my LC9, they look like father and son.
Yup. I originally wanted the SR40C (GASP) in two tone but figured since it's the compact model, having less of a shiny material would be better.

The gun is fugly as hell (much like every other polymer handgun) so it really doesn't matter. I'd rather have a black one. Shows up less if concealment is blown.

Shiny bad. It's like an ugly chick trying to look hot.

Disclaimer: atleast for this pistol
Carry gun is going to get beat up. So don't worry about fingerprints. There is a difference in the steel though. The black is not melonite coated stainless it's carbon steel that will rust once the finish wears But some people don't like shiny for carry. I've been looking at both and I'm thinking stainless for less chance of rust but I could really go either way.
I have stainless on my SR9c and I like it a lot. When it's concealed with my Crossbreed, there is only very minimal silver slide "showing", and if you are concealing then it should be hidden anyways. No fingerprint issues with the SS slide.
I love my Stainless SR9c and I use it as my carry gun. Shoots very good for a compact 9mm. I like the all black one too so it's all personal preference. You can't go wrong with Ruger. I've probably put about 600 rounds through it with no jams at all.
I picked up one yesterday in stainless it was pretty much a coin toss for me over the black. I did take some heat when I got home and my kid called it gay and "girls gun" compared to the Glocks and 92 fs. Ouch
I picked up one yesterday in stainless it was pretty much a coin toss for me over the black. I did take some heat when I got home and my kid called it gay and "girls gun" compared to the Glocks and 92 fs. Ouch

I think my black sr9c shoots better than my 92fs ... enjoy!
Yeah. When my kid called it a girl gun we already scheduled a shoot off. Him with the 92 fs and me with the sissy sr9c. let's hope I win or I'll be wearing the pink sash
First impressions and shots were very good. The trigger is excellent. 0 Ftf in the First hundred rounds. Definately don't care for the lci but that's not enough to make me not like it. Carried it this weekend in my don Hume h715m g27 holster which worked ok. People say to use the g19 holster but it's too big. I tried it.
Awesome. I love my SR9c. You can buy a piece to remove the LCI from

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I've got the two tone SR9c and love it. I have close to 2000 rounds through it and it's performed flawlessly. It doesn't like the Wally World "TulAmmo" russian crap ammo (lots of ftf, but I definitely blame the ammo for that). I've gone through over a case (1000 rounds) of blazer steel casing, about 500 rounds of the cheap federal brass bulk packs, and a few hundred rounds of remmington without a single ftf.
Little update. I've run about 300 rounds thru. One box of S&B ammo gave me issues but i think its bad ammo I think the spring is a bit stiff but I don't think there will be any issues with carry ammo
I had some initial feeding issues with mine. After polishing the ramp and chamber everything was smooth and failure free.
I was more thinking along the lines of visible finger print smudges on the stainless

The stainless on something like an SR9c is shiny but not nearly that shiny. [laugh] It's not like a revolver or a pimp gun where fingerprints show up on it all the time.

Yeah. I don't think I need to polish anything. That S&B ammo was shit. I saved a few rounds and they didn't run in the 92fs. Not the gun. I shot some low loadings with bullseye cand hollow points and have had no issues. Commercially loaded carry ammo runs flawless and spits brass far.

Also removed the gay mag disconnect safety which is simple to do.
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