States crack down on fake guns "for the children"

May 8, 2005
In the Great Smoky Mountains
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NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Concerns that realistic-looking toy weapons are confusing police and threatening safety have led 15 states to try going beyond gun control and cracking down on fake firearms.

Officer Micheal Hoover knows a fair amount about guns as a sniper instructor for a Tennessee SWAT team. He recalls the night two years ago when a car pulled up beside him on a highway and the passenger waved what looked like an Uzi.

"It scared me," he said. "If anyone is in their right mind, I don't see how it wouldn't."

Hoover was off duty and called for police help. A 20-year-old man was charged with aggravated assault after police found a black plastic Uzi submachine gun under the car's passenger seat, but he was acquitted because jurors felt the officer should have been able to tell it was only a toy.

Lawmakers across the country are coming to a different conclusion, deciding that it is so hard to differentiate the toys from the fakes that public safety demands they take action.

Among those 15 states, seven bills limiting fake guns are pending this year and 21 have been enacted since 1990, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. Some states have enacted or are considering multiple measures. They range from prohibiting imitation firearms in vehicles to banning the toys from convenience stores.

Tennessee lawmakers are considering a proposal by state Rep. John Deberry to make it a misdemeanor to intentionally display or expose "an imitation firearm in a public place in a threatening manner." Exceptions include justifiable self defense, lawful hunting, and displays such as a museum collection.

Deberry said he wants to prevent incidents like one last year in which a 12-year-old boy was killed in West Memphis, Ark. DeAunta Farrow was shot by a police officer who said he thought the boy was carrying a gun and that the youngster refused to obey orders to halt. Investigators later said DeAunta had a toy gun.

"It's important that a child cannot walk into one of these little convenience stores, plop down a dollar and walk out with something that can get him shot on the spot without question," Deberry said.

A spokeswoman for the Toy Industry Association declined to comment on the trend toward fake gun legislation but referred a reporter to its Web site, which states that it "emphatically rejects the scenario that casts toys as villains."

Federal law requires toy guns or imitations to bear an orange tip to indicate they're not real.

However, lawmakers say those tips are often disguised or removed.

"It only takes 30 seconds for a kid to either take a marker or some paint, or shoe polish, and that orange tip is gone," said Deberry. He said the imitation guns are nearly identical in size, design and color to real ones.

"One of the imitation weapons I got at a convenience store looked very much like the assault weapons that the secret service and other FBI agents carry under their suits," he said. "Another one was a handgun that had a silencer on it."

New Jersey state Sen. Bob Smith has proposed legislation that would make it a crime to remove the tips or "obscure" a firearm by adding a tip to it.

"If police are called to the scene and don't see those tips, then they open fire because it appears the person has a deadly weapon," said Smith. "The officer doesn't have too many choices."

In Florida, state Sen. Gary Siplin has a bill that would prohibit individuals from carrying a paintball gun in a vehicle. He said he had been told about youngsters brandishing such guns while driving. He said if they're bold enough to do that they might use the fake weapon to commit a crime.

"Sometime these people try to go into a store and try to rob it with a toy gun, and if the police come they may shoot thinking it's a real gun," Siplin said.

The leading U.S. opponent of gun control doesn't think much of legislation that seeks to control fake guns.

National Rifle Association spokesman Ashley Varner said anti-toy gun legislation is "silly" because "it doesn't deal with issues of crime."

"It won't eradicate the human element of the crime," she said. "It doesn't target getting criminals off the street."
Pinheads... when they're not complaining that toy guns look too real, they're
complaining that certain after market gun finishes can make real guns look like toys. [rolleyes]

Tennessee lawmakers are considering a proposal by state Rep. John Deberry to make it a misdemeanor to intentionally display or expose "an imitation firearm in a public place in a threatening manner."

GOAL is sponsoring a similar bill in our legislature...

GOAL Files Deceptive Device Bill in Response to New Bedford Incident

In response to the shooting incident in New Bedford involving a police officer and a drug addict, Gun Owners Action League has taken a proactive step to assist law enforcement. On January 10, 2007 State Representative John Quinn (9th Bristol) filed, on behalf of GOAL, a bill that would punish criminals who commit crimes with devices that intend to convey the presence of a firearm.

The bill, "An Act Relative to Deceptive Weapon Devices" would provide law enforcement and the courts a tool that would punish those who are committing crimes with fake or look alike guns by allowing the courts to convict them as if they are armed.

"This bill is a proactive measure that will hopefully discourage criminals from pretending to have firearms in an attempt to intimidate victims and cause problems for police in emergency situations." said Jim Wallace GOAL Executive Director, "No police officer should have to make the split second decision as to whether a criminal is holding a real gun or a fake gun. Secondly, no criminal should get away without being charged and convicted as being armed when they certainly intended everyone to believe they were."

As a further note to this case, GOAL understands that the officer involved in the shooting was cleared of any wrong doing.

Bill Language:

SECTION 1. Section 121 of Chapter 140 of the General Laws is hereby amended by inserting the following definition:-

“Deceptive Weapon Device” Any device or item used in the commission of a crime that is intended to convey the presence of a weapon, as defined in this section, to a potential victim or law enforcement officer. Such devices or items shall include, but not be limited to, common air guns, toy guns, or substances carved or fashioned to resemble a weapon.

SECTION 2. Chapter 265 of the General Laws is hereby amended by inserting a new section:-

Section 45. Crimes committed with a deceptive weapon device

Any person who is in possession of a deceptive weapon device as defined in Section 121 of Chapter 140 of the General Laws, during the commission of a violent crime as defined in Section 121 of Chapter 140 of the General Laws shall be deemed to be armed and shall be punishable by penalties set forth in this Chapter.

I fully understand and support the purpose of this legislation... the other legislative proposals in the posted article are typical knee-jerk reactions that we've come to expect from the gun grabbing bed wetters.
Interesting legislation. I'd think in any state that threatening a person with what a reasonable person would believe is a real firearm would be some form of aggravated assault in any event. In many (most?) states, prosecutors already successfully charge on aggravated assault or even assault with a [type] weapon where the accused implied they had the weapon (pipe in someone's back, finger in pocket, etc.). Is the GOAL proposed legislation there because of a need to push prosecutors to take such displays seriously, because juries don't tend to indict/convict on aggravated assault charges in such cases, or is it proposed to head off countervailing legislation criminalizing real weapons that could be mistaken for toys?
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