Statewide registration law?


NES Member
Jan 14, 2006
South Eastern, MA
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We're already filling out FA10s for face to face transfers, even on C&R eligible guns between 2 C&R license holders. Firearms that licensed gun owners come into possesion of have to have a registration filled out. So whats this that some politicians are rambling about saying we need Massachusetts gun registration? They're already registered... how much more registered can they be?
They're already registered... how much more registered can they be?

Any gun which was brought into the Commonwealth by a person moving here and not sold later is not registered. I think they are trying to get every gun owner to produce a list of all guns they own under penalty of whatever in order to pin us down.

Am I paranoid or what?

My recollection is a bit foggy, but IIRC, out of state residents relocating to MA with their "arsenal", don't have to file an FA-10.

I have no idea if that's what our illustrious legislators are referring to, but if it is, it's just one more much-to-do-about-nothing "loophole" that won't affect the crime rate one bit. [thinking]

Edit to add.... Frosty beat me to it.
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The observations about all those evil guns people like me brought with us when we moved here are correct. OTOH, I seriously doubt most of the hoplophobes ranting about needing new, improved gun control laws and registration have a clue about that. It wouldn't be the first time that some vocal politician made a crusade campaigning for the passage of laws that either already existed or were demonstrably weaker than existing laws. Remember that neither a knowledge of guns or of existing gun laws is all that common among these clowns.

Remember what history has taught us about the 4 phases of gun control:

1. Legislation
2. Registration
3. Confiscation
4. Extermination

Mass-murderers like Hitler, Stalin, and Mao agree... GUN CONTROL WORKS!
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