Sterno Emergency Preparedness Kit for $10.80

Yeah, amazon had the $4 coupon though. I do the Bing search rewards which basically give you a $5 a month amazon gift card. I used that and got it for $5.80 in the end. I recommend doing the bing rewards but get a few accounts going all at once. You need to do 30 searches a day from each account which is annoying but I use a script that automates the searches.

Get a few of the big glass votive candles at Market Basket, and a couple cans of sterno.

Personally, I'd rather make my own "kit".

For a stove, an inverted large steel coffee can, with "church key" holes at both ends for draft works well.


Not to say I haven't had a nasty flareup of "gear-whoredom" more than a few times [smile]

I do try to DIY as much as possible and if there is a purchase, make sure it fits a) can it serve more than one purpose and\or b) I can't DIY it better\cheaper

Get a few of the big glass votive candles at Market Basket, and a couple cans of sterno.

Personally, I'd rather make my own "kit".

For a stove, an inverted large steel coffee can, with "church key" holes at both ends for draft works well.

The coffee can stove was what we used to make in Boy Scouts. They worked really well. We also made our own sternos using tuna fish cans, cardboard and paraffin wax.
I'm in the process of making a rocket stove. I have woods behind my house, since the stove uses sticks, fuel won't be a problem.
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