Steyr s9-a1 as glock alternative?

Sep 18, 2012
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I just got my LTC A ... after only 3 months of waiting ... now on to the important task of getting a CCW firearm.

I've only ever shot Glocks at shooting ranges before (usually G19). So I really had my heart set on a glock 26 or 19, but this being MA it's been damn near impossible to find one the last few weeks even with the extra $200 MA markup.

I was reading about some alternatives online and came across the Steyr s9-a1. It sounds like it has a pretty similar build to the Glock and is even made in Austria.
I've never shot one before so I was wondering if anyone here had experience with it in terms of at the range and also as a CCW?

Perhaps the 1st question I should ask however would be, are these at least legal in the communist republic of MA?
I havn't owned one but considered one and I was told the following:

1. You'll either love or hate the unique sights
2. It's ergonormically better than the glock and I've been told it's easier to shoot, more accurate
3. More expensive/parts are more expensive.
4. Most importantly, it's tough to get anything for it. It's rare and there's little aftermarket support.

It was designed by the same team on Glock if I recall correctly. These same guys went on to make the Caracal, which is even further improved from the Steyr series and priced VERY competetively. Point #1 and #4 still stand on the Caracal, it's just cheaper and reportedly better designed. Glocks are tested true and have unbelievable aftermarket support.
I just got my LTC A ... after only 3 months of waiting ... now on to the important task of getting a CCW firearm.

I've only ever shot Glocks at shooting ranges before (usually G19). So I really had my heart set on a glock 26 or 19, but this being MA it's been damn near impossible to find one the last few weeks even with the extra $200 MA markup.

I was reading about some alternatives online and came across the Steyr s9-a1. It sounds like it has a pretty similar build to the Glock and is even made in Austria.
I've never shot one before so I was wondering if anyone here had experience with it in terms of at the range and also as a CCW?

Perhaps the 1st question I should ask however would be, are these at least legal in the communist republic of MA?

Pullman arms in Worcester has gen 2 glock 19 in stock for around 575 and they sell styer as we'll.
I was considering one for awhile. I loved how it felt in the hand, but would be on the side of hating the sights. I'm sure I would have gotten used to them. However once i started looking into them it seems they are really picky on ammo. This turned me off. It is still in the back of my mind but more of a fun gun to buy and go to the range with not a carry gun.

Have you looked into the M&Pc series? That is my daily carry and I love it. Also people speak highly of the ruger sr9c, but I have yet to shoot one.
ODS in Yarmouth had a dozen G19's (with night sights) in stock last week, none higher than $575. I think he has a few left.

I just got my LTC A ... after only 3 months of waiting ... now on to the important task of getting a CCW firearm.

I've only ever shot Glocks at shooting ranges before (usually G19). So I really had my heart set on a glock 26 or 19, but this being MA it's been damn near impossible to find one the last few weeks even with the extra $200 MA markup.

I was reading about some alternatives online and came across the Steyr s9-a1. It sounds like it has a pretty similar build to the Glock and is even made in Austria.
I've never shot one before so I was wondering if anyone here had experience with it in terms of at the range and also as a CCW?

Perhaps the 1st question I should ask however would be, are these at least legal in the communist republic of MA?
ODS in Yarmouth had a dozen G19's (with night sights) in stock last week, none higher than $575. I think he has a few left.

I think you got the best deal on a G19, does it miss me [sad2] . I found the manual for the Kel-tec Sub 2000 last month when I was looking for something else, but I forget where I put it, LOL. When I find it again I'll mail it to you.
Never shot one but I've seen them in shops occasionally. They aren't quite as popular so you have limited after-market parts availability and customization compared to a Glock. That said I've never heard of someone being unsatisfied with one. But I'd still go with Glock unless you hold one and like the feel that much better.
Well now Im a bit confused ...
According to the Approved Firearms Roster, the Steyr S-A1 is approved in 0.40. The 9mm variant is not listed. Is there a reason why one caliber of the gun would be approved and not the other? Is this an oversight by the EOPS or does it mean they havent yet or perhaps wont get around to testing the other variant? How often is the roster updated anyway?
The approved roster means nothing to a buyer. That's for what shops can sell brand new (more or less, Glocks are another issue that we won't get into here).

Forget that thing even exists. If its for sale and you want it then just buy it.
Well now Im a bit confused ...
According to the Approved Firearms Roster, the Steyr S-A1 is approved in 0.40. The 9mm variant is not listed. Is there a reason why one caliber of the gun would be approved and not the other?

Yes. Steyr paid an independent lab to have one tested and not the other.

Is this an oversight by the EOPS or does it mean they havent yet or perhaps wont get around to testing the other variant? How often is the roster updated anyway?

EOPS doesn't test anything. None. Nada. Zippo. The manufacturer pays an independent lab to do the testing. The roster is updated maybe quarterly, if that.
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