Stony Brook - Westford?

Jan 24, 2009
Westford MA
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Hi. I'm new to the forum and relatively new to the sport. I am a current member of the Westford SC and like it very much, but I am intrigued by the Stony Brook Fish and Game also in Westford. Is anyone a member? Is there a process for becoming a member? Sponsor etc... The website doesn't have too much info.
I am currently on the waiting list to get in to the Stony Brook Club in Westford. Like most other clubs you need a sponsor. The club has a maximum of 200 members per year. At the end of each year they take the same amount of new members as the number of people that don't renew and the number of members that become life members. I was told they take 15-20 new members a year on average. That is as much as i know about the club besides that it is a great club to be a part of.
Stony is a good club and has been there for years. A few shotgun ranges out back and indoor pistol. I shoot there as a visiting team from Concord. They also have a bar. Good group of guys.

Shooting trap into the sun is a bitch.
I am a member at Stony Brook & have been for quite a while. It is a decent club mostly trap shooters. They have two trap fields and shoot in the Merrimack Valley Trap League. A trout pond and archery backstops out to 40 yards. There is a seven station 50ft indoor range with a team that shoots in the Nashoba Valley Pistol League. The dues are $40.00 a year. They have two functions a year for club members that are free to members and worth allot more than the forty dollars. If you want outdoor an pistol range or a rifle range then this is not the club for you because we don't have either. I have been to WSC many times and it is a great club. As someone else has stated earlier they have a waiting list and take new members in every fall. If you want a tour let me know.

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