Strip paint from AR 15

Jun 4, 2006
Lynn Ma
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A friend of mine purchased an AR from a NES member that said member has painted a tan color from the rifle's anodized finish.
Can he used a paint stripper to remove the paint with out hurting the anodized finish? I used something called Goop Off to clean up some 30 rd AR mags that I purchased and it didn't seem to hurt anything but that finish may be different from anodizing.
It really depends on the coating, if it's a baked on ceramic, paint stripper will be ineffective. Paint stripper "can" be used on anodizing, hard coat esp but any caustic acid (see paint stripper) can remove anodizing. Hard coat is "harder" and can sustain more attack but it can be removed. Spray can finishes can be removed easily with stripper but must be neutralized quickly and adequately with water to preserve finish. Best method to remove paint from anodizing is soda blasting, non abrasive blasting using baking soda. This would be the only effective method for baked on coatings to preserve the anodizing.
Stay away from any stripper, the anodizing is to help harden the surface and without it the aluminum wears easily. I would cover with the color of your choice. Cerakote comes in cans for the DIY guy and can be baked cured in your oven.
Stay away from any stripper, the anodizing is to help harden the surface and without it the aluminum wears easily. I would cover with the color of your choice. Cerakote comes in cans for the DIY guy and can be baked cured in your oven.

Never heard of Cerakote in a can but I agree with keep the anodizing and lightly media blast prior so coating to scuff up the anodizing a bit.
I soaked my AR receiver (which when purchased had been painted) in acetone for a day. The paint came right off and it was harmless to the anodizing underneath. It also degreased the receiver perfectly. I then Duracoated right over the anodizing. Did not blast or sand. I judged the surface to be sufficiently rough that the finish should adhere. Came out perfect and has held up well.
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