Such a thing as a .22 Conversion for a S&W N-Frame?

Dec 28, 2008
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I have my eye on a Smith & Wesson 1917. It would be nice to practice with some .22 LR instead of .45 ACP all the time. I Googled a bit but come up with zilch for N-Frame .22 conversions.

Anyone know if such a thing exists? I guess a K-Frame in .22 would be the next best thing but, not exactly the same.
never heard of one and would wonder why anyone would want one. The only reason I could see would be if someone wanted to practice using cheap ammo in their carry gun and I can't see anyone carrying a 1917...possibly a modern N frame but not specifically a 1917.

A good k22 is plenty big/good enough for shooting a .22.
Thanks, That was my thinking cheap shooting for the 1917 but, it wouldn't be a carry.

I'll look around for a K22.
Might also consider the L-frame 617.

Yup, purchased one for my wife (10 shot) with the idea of home defense. Tried her with my 686 using .38. Also tried .45 LC in my Mountain Gun. Each made her "skittish". For her, its going to be the 617. Due to Arthritis, a semi is out of the question.

She is learning and absorbing. Nothing happens overnight, and it takes time. But she does understand that the ultimate goal is home self defense. Grin, when I'm done (if ever), she will be totally confident with the 617 and the HP's necessary. Training her weekly, and, I'm proud to say, she is coming right along. Time will tell..........[wink]
Do you reload? I reload .45acp for auto pistols and sub guns and shoot those out of my 1917 but I also load some very mild loads in auto rim brass just for the 1917. It's pleasant to shoot and cheap to make. I also have a model 17 and a 617. They're fun to shoot but the only similarity between them is that they're all revolvers. The 1917 has a small grip, lousy sights and a long heavy trigger pull. It uses the old long action. It's a great old gun and I love shooting it. I think you'll be disappointed if you try to find a .22 to duplicate it.
I've seen chamber inserts for .45LC to shoot .22 in them, but haven't seen anything for ACP. Either way, I'm guessing accuracy would be terrible.
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