You gotta hand it to the BPs. They get away with carrying/wearing gear that a white guy could only dream about. If you walked around dressed like him there'd be a SWAT team called, town shut down and schools emptied for a 10 mile radius in under 5 minutes.

Also his trigger awareness and muzzle control could use some work.. [thinking]

Other than the lack of gun safety being shown I don't have an issue with teaching kids how to protect themselves, be it with a gun, machete, bat or their bare hands.
Shabazz then goes through the proper way of loading a gun, cautioning the audience never to play with a loaded weapon, while he himself waves one around, demonstrating what not to do.

“I am trained to deal with a loaded weapon,” he says.

Is there an "idiots guide to guns" that teaches this line?[rolleyes]
Yea, he is a real upstanding citizen:
The Blaze previously reported on Shabazz last September when he was shown in a video accusing “Fox Jews” of using “little black babies” as “alligator bait.” He has spoken about his hatred of white people and called on blacks to “kill crackers” and their babies.

Shabazz was also reportedly one of the New Black Panther Party members who allegedly engaged in voter intimidation in Philadelphia on Election Day 2008. The Justice Department dropped the investigation into the incident and no charges were ever filed."
these guys continue to make me laugh, although the ideas for using anything as a weapon are definitely helpful. That Shabazz is a great human being[rolleyes]
yeah and they teach them to be racist too... jk.. they are a bit scary with their paramilitary garb and nasty talk. Funny thing is the real black panther group has totally deniedany connection to them.
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