Swat team raid on survival camp

That's what happens when you get in bed with Hollywood..., but he's also running a business there, not just living off the land. Not condeming or condoning either party's actions right now. I'd have to know more about the whole thing. If it weren't a business, it sure sounds like a place I'd like to live.
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So what if it is a business? Why shouldn't I be able to explore alternative ways of living, then get money to teach it to others? Sawdust toilet will help the environment. Locally milling your own lumber is a good thing.
Like I said, not condeming either side right now. I agree with you on the face, but when you're running a business things are a little different. I love everything that guy is doing more than you know, but when you have thousands of people going through there, sewrage is an issue among other things. I've seen plenty of idiots that think it's ok to just bypass their leach field and run a pipe straight off their septic tank. Sorry, but I don't have a problem with someone from the govt stopping that. I've never been there so I don't know what's going on. I don't make decisions based on a news article. Especially one that calls it a "swat team raid."
So what if it is a business? Why shouldn't I be able to explore alternative ways of living, then get money to teach it to others? Sawdust toilet will help the environment. Locally milling your own lumber is a good thing.

This. Whats next will OSHA have to approve each students shelter before they spend a night.
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