
Jun 8, 2006
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Just joined a club, and would like to shoot at something besides paper targets. Could anyone give me some ideas or direct me to a website on different targets/stands that I could either make or purchase?

Thanks, Anthony
You should check and see what your club allows. At Sippican where I shoot I used to tie a string across 2 target stands and hang aluminum cans by the holes in the pull tabs. It was cool because the can would spin everytime you hit it if you hung it right.
The newest Midway flyer has some steel spinning targets for failry cheap money.
You should check and see what your club allows. At Sippican where I shoot I used to tie a string across 2 target stands and hang aluminum cans by the holes in the pull tabs. It was cool because the can would spin everytime you hit it if you hung it right.
The newest Midway flyer has some steel spinning targets for failry cheap money.

Thanks for the idea[grin]
RedSoxFan,,technically, you can only shoot cans on the "plinking" portion of the Mansfield F&G range. That's the right corner of the 50 yard range.

You have to be careful at Mansfield when you shoot targets on the ground. Put them too close to the target line and there's a chance they will ricochet over the berm, even as high as it is.

I sometimes use balloons, and let them blow around the range, but only when no one else is there.

Metal spinning and re-set targets are good also, but again, be careful of the ricochets.

Welcome to Mansfield F&G, seems like it's getting more and more popular with folks from this forum. I've been a member there over 20 years, and it's a great bunch of guys. (Women guys too) I'll bet I can think of 20 guys in this forum who shoot there, and I don't know everyone.
I like to shoot clays, metal spinners and tin cans, but golf balls and tennis balls are fun too. If you dont want to chase them you can put them on a piece of heavy wire and stick it in the ground. (Just drill a hole in the golf ball)
You might also try to find those hgh-density polymer poppers. The bullets penetrate w/o any significant damage, promoting long target life w/o any richochet issue.
Gallon jugs of water are fun depending on what your shooting. If you have a scoped rifle little green army men are fun, just stand them on top of a target stand. Bottle caps can also be a challenge. Start looking around your basement/garage you'll be surprised what's fun to shoot at. I don't know the rule at your club but you may find that if you're polite and clean up after yourself well no one will complain.
Cans filled with water shot with high velocity rounds are a blast, literally. Especially when shooting something like .204 Ruger at over 4000 FPS. Jolt cans explode into vapor and small fragments.[smile]
These were filled with water and shot with 17hmr at 100 yards.


If you're shooting scoped rifles, spent shell casings and loose change at 100+ yards are fun too.
Holy crap...They still make Jolt?!?!

Paper plates seem to make great targets. It all depends on what your club allows, as well. Clubs like MRA only allow you to shoot "NRA Approved" targets...No bottles, cans, or laundry detergent containers [rolleyes] [smile]
Holy crap...They still make Jolt?!?!

Yep, and in 4 different flavors too. I really like the taste of the Cola but the best part is the screw on aluminum caps. I fill the empties right to the top with water, screw the caps on tight, and let them sit in the sun for a few days. When those are hit they make a huge cloud.
Take a tent spike, stick it in high on the berm (well above the 'safe' height) Hang some kind of string or twine from the tent spike so that it almost reaches the bottom of the berm. I've tried several types of line and the best is a light kite string. Fishing line tends to snag on imperfections on the berm and para-cord is too heavy.

Tie a large plastic jug to the twine. Cascade dishwasher bottles for example are one of my favorites, nice size, weight, and thickness. It is VERY important that the lowest part of the jug does NOT fall any lower than 1 foot above the bottom of the backstop.

Now, the trick is to aim right at the bottom of the jug. You actually want to miss the jug, but just barely. A good hit will send the jug flying. The spike and string will keep it from falling off the backstop. Stop shooting if the jug is anywhere above the 'safe' height (this is usually the halfway point on most backstops)

What is nice about this target is that it is very reactive when you make a good hit. As your skills improve, you can try to keep the jug constantly moving for a full cylinder or magazine. You can use just about any caliber, but .22s usually need a slightly lighter jug to really get flying.

If one jug becomes boring, set two or more. Try smaller sizes.

When done, please clean up and recycle.
I used to take those wide tongue depressors and had a piece of wood with a slot cut into it. I would put 20 of em in the slot and shoot the heads off them.

I used to do the same with grapes. I had a board with 20 nails sticking upward, and i'd stick grapes onto the nails and shoot them off.

The most fun ive had was with a cool little setup my buddy had. Two side by side targets where the X ring was a metal plate that when shot, would swing over to the other guy's target center. It was fun trying to see how many "passes" we could make batck and forth in a row.
NECCO wafers.

Get them in the factory store cheap.

Take your Brady Bunch Poster and glue wafers onto the back side with a spot of Elmers on each.

Great for popping with a .22 or bb gun

Old Stale Lollie Pops wrk well also. Get them in bulk bags for pennies

I have heard of people using eggs but I would rater eat them

The Squirrls will clean up the mess.

You could also use the leftover Mashmellow Bunnies from Easter but you may get PETA angry

Heres an IDEA that just extrapilated into my head. The empty shells from Sea Clams would be a BLAST. When the clam boats come into the pier they shuck the clams and then need to dispose of the shells. I bet if you asked real nice that they would let you haul away their trash, I mean valuable shells.

The shells would explode in an array of vibrant colorful white dust when struck by a projectile; Adding calcium to the enviourment. Might even make a unusual flying target for shotguns. Just need to figure out how to throw them?

Homeboyz Clam Thrower. Of Course! Now why didn't I think of that?

AND.... The Red Neck Hunting Clam Thrower!

That is So Cool Im just going to have to make a Home Depot run. Build one and try it out.

1 ea. Closet Pole. $12.95
1 ea . Surge Tubing $8.49
1 ea. piece of 1/4 inch round stock steel to make the "Y" $3.67

The look on the Game Wardens face: PRICELESS!
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