Teen dies after being shot by classmate

I'm not going to comment on the sadness of the loss of life as that should be apparent, and I assume we can all wait for jose to chime in about how the kid deserved it...but what caught my eye was one aspect of the article:

"This wasn't a shooting that was a random act," Roehl said. "It was an individual directing his aggression toward another individual, not the school or the students inside the school."

This is something I would like to see more of from Chiefs, Superintendents, and the media. The didn't glorify the means, didn't diatribe about the system, didn't lecture on anything that was not relevant, but that we are sadly accustomed to. He spoke about an act done by one person to another person. Rare reporting for a rare statement.
Sad, very very sad and tragic. Unfortunately the school will probably be sued for this, and probably lose.
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