Tell me about the Savage Axis xp

Jul 7, 2013
South East side MA
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Hey all,
I'm looking for an econo 200 yard paper punching rifle, and the Savage Axis xp in .223 came across my sights. Any, and all, opinions about this rifle are welcome.

buy a stevens model rifle

pretty much its the same as the old savages and most of the accessories that work for savage work for stevens. theres not much out there for aftermarket stocks, DBM, barrels, really anything. for around 320$ you can get a stevens model 200 in .308
Savage uses the same barrels for all their lines.

yep they make their own and they have real craftsmen doing the barrel work. i just read about it in some magazine couple of month ago.
i only have one savage 10fp that i paid 600 bucks for and it looks feels shoots better than remington that i paid 800 for.
their accutrigger is sweeet. plastic stocks on their budget models are not very fancy but do what it meant to do. if you can get over that fact it's a real sweet shooter. action is smooth as butter (at least it is on mine)
only other gun in my safe that has smoother action is old surplus mauser.
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I have the 30-06 one and it kicks like a mule because of the synthetic stock. although I did have some fun with someone else on here trying to sight it in at Reading Rifle! I sometimes wish I had gotten the .223 caliber one but then I remember the two AR's that I already have!

Picked up the Savage 11vt in .223.

First impressions; good shooter for the money.

Things I do not like; The silly cheese (plastic clip) mag. I'm already looking to customize the magwell to accept AR15 mags. Also, the Bushnell scope that came with it is lacking. I will replace that.

All in all, good value. The Acutrigger is smooth. The bolt runs smooth, and the heavy barrel is a plus.

For what I want to do, this is a great rifle.

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