That time of year...Tags


NES Member
Oct 3, 2016
Formerly Massachusetts but now MONTANA!
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Just renewed our fishing and hunting licenses, including applications for certain tags. Let's see if I can remember it all...

General deer
General elk
General bear
Archery tag
General turkey
Regional turkey
General antelope (draw)
B license antelope (draw)
Bison (draw)
B license deer (draw)
Special deer permit (draw for trophy area)
B license elk (draw)
Special elk permit (draw for trophy area)
Moose (draw)
Moose super tag (draw)
Elk super tag ( draw)

Also have some over the counter whitetail doe tags we want but they are not available yet.

Hope to draw a moose or bison before I die.

It's on. Coyote hunting tomorrow. Turkey in April. Bear in May and June. Archery starts first week of September. Rifle is late October and through November.

Hope we fill the freezers again.
I always say I'm going to go out behind my house on a moon lit night and call in some yotes but I never do....
Thick as fleas around here.
Jealous as well coyote ends this Saturday in Mass then nothing till Turkey in end of April.
It's a bummer they place a season on it. Should be year round. It's nice not having a season on varmints and non game animals. Gopher though is hands down my favorite. That starts soon. I will be out every day once they pop up.
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