D Dr_Scholl Joined Jun 9, 2008 Messages 1,625 Likes 753 Location Virginia Beach, VA Feedback: 0 / 0 / 0 Oct 6, 2011 #1/5 Anybody know the details of exactly what happened and what led up to it?
pdm NES Member Joined Jan 28, 2007 Messages 15,998 Likes 16,273 Location Taxachusetts Feedback: 11 / 0 / 0 Oct 6, 2011 #2/5 This: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_tax_resistance#Cincinnati_Liquor_Tax_revolt.2C_1884 ?
A ARV Joined Oct 16, 2010 Messages 4,598 Likes 418 Location Scotchtown NY Feedback: 7 / 0 / 0 Oct 6, 2011 #3/5 Not sure thats the one he was referring to pdm. VPC has a page on it, but I haven't found anything that wasn't anti so far. But I haven't looked hard.
Not sure thats the one he was referring to pdm. VPC has a page on it, but I haven't found anything that wasn't anti so far. But I haven't looked hard.
J jcr Joined Jul 19, 2007 Messages 1,250 Likes 71 Location Reading, MA Feedback: 0 / 0 / 0 Oct 6, 2011 #4/5 Pre-1977 the NRA leadership was thinking of closing their DC headquarters and moving to Colorado. The idea was to go full-fudd. The membership, led by Harlan Carter, voted out the fudds at the annual meeting in Cincinnati.
Pre-1977 the NRA leadership was thinking of closing their DC headquarters and moving to Colorado. The idea was to go full-fudd. The membership, led by Harlan Carter, voted out the fudds at the annual meeting in Cincinnati.
pdm NES Member Joined Jan 28, 2007 Messages 15,998 Likes 16,273 Location Taxachusetts Feedback: 11 / 0 / 0 Oct 6, 2011 #5/5 Ahhh. That makes sense as to why Wikipedia had squat on it.