The disturbing truth of why a petty feud between rich neighbors in a seaside town erupted in a gun battle

Trying to drum up future business?🤣🤣🤣
Bad neighbors do a pretty good job of doing that... as you are well aware. LOL
There’s plenty of alcoholic screwballs out there that don’t go shoot up their f***ing neighbors
Yeah they build stump walls and post on NES about wanting to shoot up their neighbors
Bad neighbors do a pretty good job of doing that... as you are well aware. LOL

Yeah they build stump walls and post on NES about wanting to shoot up their neighbors
Actually, I believe I said I was worried he was gonna shoot me.

One did start firing his gun from his front steps.

I was more concerned the Russian was gonna take me out… he was terrorizing my employees
Isn't a pressure cooker a "fast cooker" though? Higher P with constant V means higher T, which would mean faster cooking, right?
A pressure cooker is a "fast cooker", but not for that reason. It's not an application of the ideal gas law but of vapor pressure. The cooker increases the boiling point of the liquid by increasing the pressure above it.
looked at the video report, the photos, and the article. Ya'll missing lotsa info:
  • Both houses were at the end of a cul de sac on jersey shore.
  • original houses were small ranches. the shooter decided to tear it down and build a larger house.
  • When the new house was built, the ranch house next to it lost all views of the ocean.
  • the mcmansion owner built a driveway for his boat which wasn't on the other side.
  • the two houses at the end of a circle which makes it difficult to make a straight driveway. they would have to have an angled entrance thus decreasing the frontage area.
  • The mcmansion had built it angled while the other house built it straight, reusing a section of the other hosue's driveway.
  • The mcmansion got pissed that his driveway was being used so he turned it into a boat parking area, preventing the ranch house from full use of their driveway.
  • The ranch house put up a post on the property line, preventing the mcmansion from moving the boat unless he drove it over his front lawn.
  • At this things got escalated and according to neighbors there were shouting matches.
  • The last straw was a camera installed on the post pointing directly at the mcmansion house windows.
The article mentions "the rich" but no offense this is blue collar area, where a mcmansion is barely worth 1M. If it was on the water, say, on Cape Cod, it would be fetching 10M-15M easy! Sadly, this is a tragedy between two working stiffs who grew up neighbors.
I could write a book, actually a novel, on what I've had to deal with. The first idiot, Level 3, left after 10 years. Thankfully cancer got him and the good Lord sent him to hell! The next, B&E / crackhead drunk bros., unwillingly left after 17 years. One to the ACI for a long vacation for playing with a 15 year old girl he met online. Hopefully, he's still there. Followed by the drunk, drug dealing / addict relatives, who left after 22 years. But the drunk, crackhead, ex con sexual assault offender, Peeping Tom way down the street is still staggering strong. That bastard has used up his nine lives tenfold!
But that's not the end! I now have a new chapter to write as the new McMansion next door has become a juvenile frat house, even endorsed by their Father. Stay tuned! Just because you have money to pay for an over $1 million dollar home doesn't mean you have class or respect for your neighbors, especially at 0120 on a Saturday night. Next time, the cops are being called!
Unfortunately neighbors are like relatives, you can't pick them but due to unforseen circumstances, you have to live with them. Moving is the simple solution but getting along or ignoring them is sometimes the only solution!
Were we neighbors or something? [laugh]

It sounds like my old neighborhood.
Strictly speaking, the opposite phrasing (I couldn't care less) still implies a level of caring, just the "absolute zero" level of caring, which is technically still caring.
I must disagree. "Absolute zero" is nothing, and by definition nothing means "nothing". No money means you have no money at all. No caring means you do not care at all.
Yet I am wealthy beyond measure, despite my bank balance, as I have the love of my wife and children.
That's wonderful. That said, it's also a non sequitur, being completely non-responsive to issue at hand or either of the two example conditions (caring or money) in the post to which you are responding.
Those who knew the dueling homeowners described, Adamo as an alcoholic and a 'nut job' while others called him a 'nice guy' particularly when 'sober.'

I also love the fact that the Keystone Cops concluded that if a pressure cooker is anywhere but in the kitchen it must be an explosive device.

Those 2 struck me as well. "He was a nice guy as long as he was sober." ROFL!!!

Here's the kicker - million dollar on-the-water home. Gofundme. I'm not completely understanding that one.
One lesson I learned having a house in a seaside vacation area is to not sweat about strangers as much. People walking the beach and don't know where they are anymore, etc. Second lesson is live and let live. As long as my neighbor isn't parking in my driveway I could care less.
Why would you give a fxck if your neighbor parks in your DW? Obviously they should ask first...but WTF...who cares. Maybe you have only one spot...but if your not there.....again....WTF does it matter?

I could give a fxck less if mine did as long as they didn't block the garage......I just told mine I'd be up going north for two weeks and they can grab whatever they need out of the garage for tools and park any friends in my DW if needed.

Im blessed with two things down here...really good neighbors that aren't stuck up a**h***s, most are working class retirees, and 2/3rds of the people in this neighborhood leave April 1st - December and it becomes a ghost town.

In most cases though, we picked a 20 year old neighborhood of moderate homes away from the coast for a reason. To stay away from snobs, coastal flooding issues, and most of these people bought way back and are older and working class.

Unfortunately there are a large contingent for sale right now about 18 homes and some others where people are not listing because prices are down and sliding hard. But odds are if people do end up buying it will be younger families with kids for starter homes.

Just talked to two people that are afraid to list right is going back to MA (retarded) the other and a lot of others are looking at Northern FL in places like the Villages.....they say there are over 1000 homes in the Villages right now for sale, and another 2K outside of the area. Its a buyers market down here for sure.
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Why would you give a fxck if your neighbor parks in your DW? Obviously they should ask first...but WTF...who cares. Maybe you have only one spot...but if your not there.....again....WTF does it matter?

I could give a fxck less if mine did as long as they didn't block the garage......I just told mine I'd be up going north for two weeks and they can grab whatever they need out of the garage for tools and park any friends in my DW if needed.

Im blessed with two things down here...really good neighbors that aren't stuck up a**h***s, most are working class retirees, and 2/3rds of the people in this neighborhood leave April 1st - December and it becomes a ghost town.

In most cases though, we picked a 20 year old neighborhood of moderate homes away from the coast for a reason. To stay away from snobs, coastal flooding issues, and most of these people bought way back and are older and working class.

Unfortunately there are a large contingent for sale right now about 18 homes and some others where people are not listing because prices are down and sliding hard. But odds are if people do end up buying it will be younger families with kids for starter homes.

Just talked to two people that are afraid to list right is going back to MA (retarded) the other and a lot of others are looking at Northern FL in places like the Villages.....they say there are over 1000 homes in the Villages right now for sale, and another 2K outside of the area. Its a buyers market down here for sure.
Only one time one of my neighbors was having a party and they let without asking some guests to use my driveway as parking and then...I came home. I started walking over to talk and right away without saying a word he knew exactly what I was saying and told people to move their cars. Fun stuff.
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