The GREATER reset

Fritz the Cat

NES Member
Aug 11, 2018
South Berkshire County
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The Greater Reset is the antidote to the great reset. It is happening all this week with many dozens of presenters on a variety of topics that all center on self sufficient living, liberty and personal freedom.
Please check it out.
But, what if I don't want to be reset ?
I don't want to be "reset" either. The corporate and global oligarchs have other plans. We can either wait it out and hope to be unscathed or take countermeasures to ensure our own survival. We can't beat them at their own game. We will need to fight a different war.
They went for the brass ring and got it.yes they did and they actually have people cheering them on. I do t care what party people are in but for god sakes how blind are you to hand over your rights to career millionaire hacks. Just happy retirement is soon and I can watch the mayhem collecting my pay while fishing in Florida.
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