The Inside Story Of How The Army Reduced Standards To Get Women Through Ranger Training

Mar 26, 2017
Milo ME
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These females were hand picked, removed from their units, and were trained specifically for Ranger School for a year, an opportunity not provided to males, and yet they still failed miserably.
138 females were picked and trained for this experiment and only 3 out of the 138 "passed" after recycling every phase at least once.
Now, because of this social justice experiment, females are allowed in all direct action combat jobs but are still exempt from registering for the selective services. With equal opportunity should come equal responsibility.

The Inside Story Of How The Army Reduced Standards To Get Women Through Ranger Training
Terrible. Now the whole unit is weaker due to this giant liability on their shoulders. Greater risk of being hurt, losing time, letting emotions get in the way of orders, etc. Females have no place doing a man's job.
This whole situation was a cluster. Pushed hard on the RI’s to make it happen. I spoke with some of the RI’s that were walking lanes with these particular classes a couple years ago when this was being pushed and though they couldn’t speak publicly to it, the standards were not nearly met or even between male/female students.

The females were given more chances at recycle than any male students were ever allowed and still quit after being offered another, non-standard recycle with time off, they straight up said no more, I quit. the pressure was high to give Go’s even when they weren’t earned. One of my buddies was even removed from walking lanes because he wouldn’t go along with the double standard and had some choice words for his command.

It was being watched closely by politicians just like the GI Jane movie and pressure put on lifer O’s to make it happen or else.

As an aside, I wish they’d just change the name of it to senior leaders patrol course or something. The school itself has nothing to do with 75th Ranger Regiment, no affiliation whatsoever, it’s a TRADOC advanced patrolling course that most PFC’s in Regiment could run if they needed to, no more, no less.

Not taking away from its difficulty by any means, they call it the suck for a reason, but Ranger School v RIP/RASP are two completely different animals.

Do I think some females could make it through if the standards were maintained the same (M v F) at The Blue Book level? Sure I think a few could make it, and good for them, respect, but we’ll never know because they lower the standards to fit their agenda of social experiment and self empowerment to prove a point, ironically.
Interesting article, that I take with a grain of salt. I've also heard the opposite (though not necessarily as applied to this specific case). I personally of the mindset that its no big deal to open the doors, keep the standards the same, and if people try and fail, so be it.

SKumar, how much time have you spent in the infantry? Or in combat at all?
Like most other things in the Age of the Internet, the actual truth won't ever be known. And if it is, there'll still be a million credible reasons to disbelieve it.

I'm over it. I'll also say that I saw males being recycled three or four times, too, and this was in the late nineties. Two different classes under two different RTB commanders. Creative recycles aren't new.
When they opened up jump school to females in the late 1970's it was similar. It was made much easier so that more of them would pass.....
Can't wait until the F up Special Forces school over the same misguided intent.

Thanks for the article.
Spoke with a career infantryman who served briefly under Kristin Greist (one of the first female Ranger grads). Had nothing but good things to say about her being a badass and great infantry leader, so take that for what it's worth.
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