The question must be asked...

Are pistols getting uglier?

  • Yay

    Votes: 58 56.9%
  • Nay

    Votes: 29 28.4%
  • They haven't significantly changed either way

    Votes: 15 14.7%

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NES Member
Apr 27, 2005
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Are pistols getting more ugly looking? I'm serious, sure there has always been ugly guns, but look at some of the classic factory popular pistols from the past 100 years,
S&W 4000, 5000, 6000 series
Sig's (Just made the cut for my list)

Now look at what we have today for factory popular pistols today,

I know there is a lot that can be said for ergonomics, and "if the gun don't fit, you won't hit". I understand that many of todays guns are made significantly lighter and are able to efficiently carry more ammo, but damn where did all the beautiful metal go? Maybe I am still not ready for polymer, or maybe I just like the feel of steel.
Nothing new really gives me the jollies. I like the classics even though I do own some of the boring new ones.
It's true of many things these days. TVs used to be furniture, now they're plastic boxes (or slabs). A typical electric drill used to have a shiny metal case, now they're all plastic. The same goes for cameras.

There are some newer pistol designs that aren't horrible looking. The all metal Kahrs are nice looking and I think the XDm is nice looking for what it is.
I like the M&P's as well. It's subtle but NOT toyish like a P99 / SW99.

I like the 3rd Gen Glock's for the same reason.

some of the others, not so much. PPS is probably those "extreme" I'd go in the looks dept.

-out of the pistols availalbe in MA
There is a certain "industrial chic" that is popular now.The Desert Eagles might be an example. I like that look, but it doesn't match the best efforts of the past. I'm especially partial to some of the classier Ruger Mk IIIs. (Added: and the best Buckmarks.)

I really don't like looks of most of the "streamline", no snag pocket pistols, though I understand the reasoning.
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I think when they make pistols now, its tactical minded, and cheaper manufacturing wise. They look at todays guns as a tool, not a old trusty friend you have on your side.
Personally I don't really care for the look of to many of the walthers. I like the P22/P99 Two-Tones look ok. The new PPS does nothing for me.

Glock is just want it is. Nothing fancy, nothing pretty, but simple and it just works.

My two-tone Sigs are just pretty [grin]

My colt mustang pocketlite looks like a 1911 and is stainless/nickel. Who doesn't like looking at nice stainless/nickel 1911?

I think every gun manufacturer has some ugly guns. For example. I think many of the Sig's look good but I don't like the look of the P232 and I hate the long sweeping trigger guard on the P239. I prefer a squared off trigger guard. This is most likely the reason I went for a G19 and not a P239. Even the P250 is a little funny looking compared to the classic Sigs but it could grow one me.

As big and clunky as they are I think Beretta's look nice as well.

I agree the FN is also god awful Ugly too.

The SR9 doesn't get any awards either.
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As far as the old school guys might not like to admit it. Polymer frames really are the wave of the future. Sometimes the weight savings alone outweigh the added uglyness.

Personally I really like the look of the new Two Tone Springfield XDM but I'll never own one unless I move.

Oh to add another one to the list. I know they are a great pistol and I will probably own one someday but a lot of the HK's are fugly ugly too.
They grow on you. I used to dislike Glocks, but now I really like them in a "form follows function" sort of way.

It's probably always been this way though. I bet that cranky old prospectors hated the looks of that new-fangled 1911 when it came out and preferred the look of their revolvers.
I really like the looks of the M&P autos. I agree with Eddie that Glocks initially seemed ugly but I've come to appreciate the simple design. A Sig 229 looks great too in a blocky way.

Some of the Rugers are pretty hideous even if the guns are fine. I also think the Smith 3rd gen autos are ugly.

Seems to me we're undergoing a bit of a renaissance in terms of the looks of handguns with the M&P leading the pack. Still, nothing beats the old blued Smith revolvers in terms of class.
It's just a tool. As long as it performs it's function reliably and safely, I could care less what it looks like.
the looks have gone down hill... I think my Walther P99 is a work of art, and my favorite looks wise. As are most 1911's (sans rails).

The glocks are bricks, the sigs are not bad, I do want a Mosquito and a P220.

But some of the new stuff is pretty ugly...

But, it's a tool first... So relabiliy is paramount to looks...
I think the M&P has nice lines, but yes, most of the polymer wonders out there are pretty fugly.

Ditto. One of the reasons I bought an M&P is it actually had some style to it. I think the idea of the gun as 'art' isn't gone, some of the new rifles are beautiful but I'm seeing the trend in handguns as utilitarian ugly.
LOL do I really need to explain? Most plastic pistols are becoming more and more geared towards Police and military use, with the tac rails, no complicated safetys, high cap mags etc. Look at the S&W M&P they have a stainless slide but yet they still painted it black, for no glare.
Tactical minded? What does that mean?
LOL do I really need to explain? Most plastic pistols are becoming more and more geared towards Police and military use, with the tac rails, no complicated safetys, high cap mags etc. Look at the S&W M&P they have a stainless slide but yet they still painted it black, for no glare.


I know we probably wont see it anytime soon, but the M9's need an update.. maybe to an M&P9
You are correct, BJ - ever since they started using polymer frames, the guns just got uglier and uglier. Compare a PPK to the PPS - one's beautiful, one is fugly... Even 007 couldn't make a PPS look good!

Be careful what you say, you might hurt my Ruger P90's feelings.

I have always said that the P90 is the ugliest handgun on the market except for a Glock. Of course, that was before I saw a Nagant revolver!
I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but the steady production of revolvers with rubber grips that look borrowed from a sex shop are really a travesty!
"Does this gun make me look fat?"

That said, I have to agree, there are a lot of ugly guns out there... I think its the market searching for the next 1911, 92, Sig, Desert eagle, etc...

They are always trying to appeal to people beyond the basic function and specs because well, people are idiots and they like to look cool when the quick draw on the mirror[rofl]
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