The Supreme Court upholds a gun control law

Evidence please?
I'm not wasting time to go digging for you- this issue was discussed at length on this very board when it actually happened in real time. We had an entire thread here where JR Hoell (an actual NH legislator) and other NH contributors were discussing this in great detail. It was well known that the NRA contributed to f***ing up the adoption of CC that session, effectively delaying it for years. (At least they understood "pls just f*** off" the 2nd time around)
I mean, I’d hope it wasn’t done for a specific case but for the strict construction principle in general. The leftist judges are consistently attempting to legislate from the bench, which needs to be stopped.
I hear you, but even the great Constitutional "Expert" Scalia stated during Heller that the right to own firearms is not absolute. That is a slippery slope statement if there ever was one.
I'm not wasting time to go digging for you- this issue was discussed at length on this very board when it actually happened in real time. We had an entire thread here where JR Hoell (an actual NH legislator) and other NH contributors were discussing this in great detail. It was well known that the NRA contributed to f***ing up the adoption of CC that session, effectively delaying it for years. (At least they understood "pls just f*** off" the 2nd time around) are would be a waste of time......
Hoell, BTW, is a full blown sufferer of TDS.

I'm not really in tune with what he thinks about Trump or not. And at the time this occurred Trump was not relevant. He at least provided information on bills and where they were going. He was not the only contributor that corroborated what was going on. There were at least two other members who were actively in comms with their legislators at the time trying to figure out what the hell was going on with the bills. The NRA played a large role in "pissing in the well" as it ruined any chance at reconciliation. Legislators did not put forth a CC bill that year because of RKBA people being faggots, and the NRA was a huge part of that calculus. It was bad enough that they must've gotten heat about it, because when it came back around they weren't visible in the process.
I'm not really in tune with what he thinks about Trump or not. And at the time this occurred Trump was not relevant. He at least provided information on bills and where they were going. He was not the only contributor that corroborated what was going on. There were at least two other members who were actively in comms with their legislators at the time trying to figure out what the hell was going on with the bills. The NRA played a large role in "pissing in the well" as it ruined any chance at reconciliation. Legislators did not put forth a CC bill that year because of RKBA people being faggots, and the NRA was a huge part of that calculus. It was bad enough that they must've gotten heat about it, because when it came back around they weren't visible in the process.
All I am saying is the NRA backed the bill in 2015 that Hassan vetoed and supported it again in 2017 when Sununu passed it.

I have never claimed to be an expert but have honestly never seen anything involving the NRA screwing up Constitutional Carry prior to 2015. I would read such reports if someone in the know would post them.

But I do know Hoell hates Trump........perhaps not as much as you hate the NRA but close.........
And after all that all anti 2A states simply ignored Heller anyway. For my money the Bruen case has had a greater impact on 2A rights.
You realize that Bruen only reiterate the doctrine spelled out in Heller, right?
Heller is the foundational case that McDonald, Caetano and Bruen build on.
I mean, I’d hope it wasn’t done for a specific case but for the strict construction principle in general. The leftist judges are consistently attempting to legislate from the bench, which needs to be stopped.
Agreed, but like it or not, SCOTUS is politics. Both left and right legislate from the bench towards their agenda.
The latest judge added to SCOTUS couldn't even define a woman.

My thoughts are is somebody only accused this poor bastard of doing something, while sure it may save one life, but think about the children that they could have if she wasn’t such a c***..

Guilty without verdict is never right or otherwise we’d hang all the politicians….. it’s in front of a judge, not a jury.. all you have to say is this bitch be crazy, I’m pretty sure you can convince more than half of the jury but you don’t get your time in court

If you’re really think about it. Maybe more man should start filing for these.
Oh look. Another jew who wants to use the government to disarm everyone.
This isn't about religion. You're just a low IQ a**h*** who can barely put 2 coherent words together and needs to blame others for your own incompetence and inability deal with your own shit.
nice ad hom, you never disappoint.
Wow, a somewhat accurate comment, for the most part. The problem is I wasn't arguing the topic, I was commenting on a different subject, an extension to be sure, but still different. And thus not ad hom. But I'll restate my argument to clarify.

Religion should not be inserted into situations where it has no relevance and doing so is disruptive to discussion or argument (in the tradition sense of the word). Doing so revels the lack of understanding by the person inserting it, or possibly a reduced metal capacity, and thus going down the religion path should be avoided at all costs.

Does that help?
Wow, a somewhat accurate comment, for the most part. The problem is I wasn't arguing the topic, I was commenting on a different subject, an extension to be sure, but still different. And thus not ad hom. But I'll restate my argument to clarify.

Religion should not be inserted into situations where it has no relevance and doing so is disruptive to discussion or argument (in the tradition sense of the word). Doing so revels the lack of understanding by the person inserting it, or possibly a reduced metal capacity, and thus going down the religion path should be avoided at all costs.

Does that help?

Nice second ad hom

People are waking up to the deception. A religion sometimes. A government others
An ethnic group yet others. Muslims do the same shit, pretend that it's not a religion when convenient. That's why there's all time high levels of distrust. Stop being manipulative.
All I do is point out that yet another Jew in journalism hates freedom and you absolutely lose your shit and call me a retard. The fact that you think this is normal behavior kinda proves my point.
All I do is point out that yet another Jew in journalism hates freedom and you absolutely lose your shit and call me a retard. The fact that you think this is normal behavior kinda proves my point.
It's you general characterization that Jew= that I have a problem with. There are far more non-Jewish journalist that are anti-gun, but you don't go around pointing that out. You also put out the idea that there is some sort of centralized conspiracy of control, you know, like the Catholic Church, when there is no such thing. Basically it's your bias against all who are not "you" that comes out in your posts, that I have an issue with.

And it was you that tried to make discussion on a SCOTUS ruling into a religions thing, not me.
I'm thinking the court issued a narrow ruling here and will take up non-violent felons and the level of judicial scrutiny required to determine someone is a threat in later cases.

I don't think this changes the status quo beyond potentially emboldening red flag f***ery for the time being.
It's you general characterization that Jew= that I have a problem with. There are far more non-Jewish journalist that are anti-gun, but you don't go around pointing that out. You also put out the idea that there is some sort of centralized conspiracy of control, you know, like the Catholic Church, when there is no such thing. Basically it's your bias against all who are not "you" that comes out in your posts, that I have an issue with.

And it was you that tried to make discussion on a SCOTUS ruling into a religions thing, not me.

you are so dishonest and manipulative it makes me and other americans sick to our stomach

as soon as your kind figures out that its this manipulative pilpul thats driving this disconnect we can return to peace

until then, f*** you, commie
JR Hoell came into office in 22? Hassan vetoed CRTC in 2015 before Sununu signed it in 2017.
JR Hoell was first elected to the NH House in 2010.

All I am saying is the NRA backed the bill in 2015 that Hassan vetoed and supported it again in 2017 when Sununu passed it.

I have never claimed to be an expert but have honestly never seen anything involving the NRA screwing up Constitutional Carry prior to 2015. I would read such reports if someone in the know would post them.

But I do know Hoell hates Trump........perhaps not as much as you hate the NRA but close.........
You are way late to the game on NH gun laws. Maybe you were too busy supporting Trump's red flag laws, "take the guns first, due process later", and bump stock ban by executive order without legislation.

The NRA poisoning Constitutional Carry in NH happened in 2011, when The Honorable @design was a freshman representative.

The Constitutional Carry bill, HB330, passed the NH House of Representatives by a vote of 244 to 109, and is now in the Senate. You'd think it would be a slam dunk, but... remember the old adage about "too many cooks in the kitchen spoil the broth"? Well, the NRA rep, John Hohenwarter, and GO-NH, are urging the Senate to "amend" HB330 by replacing it with a completely different version.

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