The timeless debate of M&P9 vs G17

Apr 6, 2009
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Allright so I am up in the air on this one. I am getting ready to buy one of these. I have shot both, I have handled both. Both fit my hand well only differece was accuracy. The glock shot a little better then the M&P for me but I attribute that to it being a rental gun with reloads and it having the horrible trigger pull. All of my shots ended up down and to the left with the M&P.
So I have found two deals $475 for the price of each one and both come with two mags. The m&p obviously comes with the 10 rounders and the G17 comes with the 17 round mags. I am looking at the gen2 glocks because I dont like the finger grooves of the gen 3's.
So would I be better off with a new gun m&p or a older but proven g17. I figure I will have to get a trigger job on the m&p and the glock I would want to put new sites on.
Does anyone own both? I know its all personal preference but is there some outstanding aspects of these guns that I might have over looked?
Also the gun will be mainly for range shooting and as a nightstand gun and cost is a factor.
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Go Glock. Tends to hold resale value better if you ever intend on selling it. You won't find a cheaper G17 than 475. Can't say the same for the S&W
I don't like either but I would buy the Glock before an M&P just for the ability to get pre-ban mags.

Nothing seems more useless to me than a full-size 9mm that you can only get 10-rd mags for.
I don't like either but I would buy the Glock before an M&P just for the ability to get pre-ban mags.

Nothing seems more useless to me than a full-size 9mm that you can only get 10-rd mags for.

+2 for Glock.
Sounds kinda like buying a muscle car with a governor on it.
Ford vs. Chevy. If they both shoot the same for you there isn't a whole lot of difference. The 17 round mags are nice but I HATE the plastic mag bodies with the Glock - they just 'feel' wrong to me.
I would go with an M&P9. I have the 9c version and had the trigger job done. I can shoot circles around a glock all day long. I also like that the magazines are steel and not plastic. Getting warranty work done on an S&W is easier/faster too IMHO. I don't know if the 2 free magazines deal is still on but you can't beat that either. Either choice is a good one. I think you will find people on both sides of this argument.[wink]
I would go with an M&P9. I have the 9c version and had the trigger job done. I can shoot circles around a glock all day long. I also like that the magazines are steel and not plastic. Getting warranty work done on an S&W is easier/faster too IMHO. I don't know if the 2 free magazines deal is still on but you can't beat that either. Either choice is a good one. I think you will find people on both sides of this argument.[wink]
+1 for warranty on the S&W
i have one of each in .40:

M&P40 - range toy.

Glock 23 - primary carry gun

get both. [laugh]

I love the ergonomics of the M&P, however, the 10rd mags really piss me off (especially in the full size).

So I went with Glock for CCW (13rds of .40) after carrying an M&P9c for a while.

The Glock? Yes, I've sunk some serious $$ via night sights, smooth G22 trigger and holsters to carry it. Mine is 3rd Gen though, so it cost me a little more.
I have both and like both. I find myself shooting the G17 more now, but I also just got it, so I may be in the "New Gun" phase still.

You will be pleased with either purchase.

You can't go wrong with either. You just have to figure which one you like better.

MA-Legal high-caps for the Glock are relatively easy to obtain. If you're using it for range or HD, all you have to do is slap a factory +2 baseplate on a mag and your pistol is now 19+1. Kinda blows a 10rd mag out of the water in my opinion.

I reiterate that you really can't go wrong with either. Both are dependable, excellent platforms.
I have both, once you get the trigger done, you should'nt anticipate so much, and you'll shoot straighter... cost you more money, and the M & P in my opinion, isnt as dependable as the Glock 17, thats why I carry the G17 versus the M&P.... If you are going to be limited to ten rounders, go with the .45.....
I have a M&P9c. Almost got a glock but the M&P felt a lot more natural in my hands. the only FTE was when I was shooting reloaded ammo. otherwise she ate everything I put through her.

Best bet is to get the one you like shooting the best. And if you can, try and shoot one of the M&P's that has had the trigger job done.
I have an M&P 40c and a fullsize LE model M&P 40. I love them both. Glocks are too bland for me. An apealing gun imo, is one that feels good, points naturally, is attractive and reasonably priced.

Good luck with the decision!

I decided I am going to to shoot both again this weekend. but I did find a good deal on a g17 so its very tempting at this time just due to the price point. So I hope I can control myself enough to not be so impulsive.
I decided I am going to to shoot both again this weekend. but I did find a good deal on a g17 so its very tempting at this time just due to the price point. So I hope I can control myself enough to not be so impulsive.

If you havent found a M&P with a trigger job to try before making your decision, PM me, I'm in medford and I have a m&p9c with a dave santurri trigger job....if you want to take it for a ride...
This may be a little off topic, but I just bought an M&P 45. Grip and sights are superior to my Glocks (22 and 24L). Trigger was horrible (thank you, MA) but, following Mr. Burwell's post, I was able to get the pull down to a crisp 4.5 lbs. Reliability has been 100% so far with SWC (H&G 68) reloads. Accuracy is fantastic, much better than my Glocks. Glock makes a great pistol, but I think they are going to take a back seat to the S&W M&P.
I've never liked the feel or shooting of the Glocks I've used. When it was time for a semi-auto pistol, I went with the M&P9 which was a "natural fit" for me. I'm in CT, have 17+1 round mags and out of the box this pistol just has a great trigger. The M&P has been rock solid reliable(as in never a problem), accuracy was always there...but seems to keep getting better(I'm sure from a combo of finding the right back-strap, practice and gun break-in).
As for S&W warranty service... I recently purchased a new 22A..which out of the box had every problem in the book, FTF, FTE, stovepiping...After some back and forth, Smith did agree to take it back on their dime, but as of now they've had the pistol 6weeks and when I called yesterday, the best they could tell me was "its in Houlton, ME" ....[angry]
Keep in mind wacky Cadillac Deval's legislation is more likely to make Glocks harder to obtain than an S&W M&P. S&W in Springield seems determined to bend over backwards to ensurre all their guns are MA compliant. Glocks are still too dangerous for us citizen rubes to have...never mind 80% of PDs carry them.

So in other words, if you can get a good deal on a Glock - and its the right model you're looking for - got for it. If you decide you want an M&P can just walk into 4 Seasons and buy one out of the case like a Timex watch at the Sears jewelry counter.
Keep in mind wacky Cadillac Deval's legislation is more likely to make Glocks harder to obtain than an S&W M&P. S&W in Springield seems determined to bend over backwards to ensurre all their guns are MA compliant. Glocks are still too dangerous for us citizen rubes to have...never mind 80% of PDs carry them.

So in other words, if you can get a good deal on a Glock - and its the right model you're looking for - got for it. If you decide you want an M&P can just walk into 4 Seasons and buy one out of the case like a Timex watch at the Sears jewelry counter.

But that also doesn't mean you can't grab a cheap glock and then get a nice M&P! [smile]. I'm no "collector" by any means, but I'd want to get a fun glock, not necessarily to carry since I think my other guns shoot better, but just to be able to say "yea I got a glock."
M&P. I don't have to worry about magazine availability.

The M&P has two advantages over the Glock: it's a Smith & Wesson and it points like the finger of God.
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